
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Hoe mad were you when someone defaced that portrait of spike Spiegal?

I wasn't mad. I met with the very man who drew it the last time I was in Tokyo and we had a good laugh about the whole thing. Shit happens. When you're drawing something on a wall you don't have any expectation it will last forever...

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hey jason, thanks for being cool. do u still listen to music submissions from the general public? if so, what's the best way to send them to u?

Send any music submissions to my Twitter! If I can give them a listen, I will.

in your opinion, what should a man be like?

A man should love and respect his friends and family and do his best to do some good in the world- whatever is within his means and ability to do. He should be responsible for the actions he takes and be cognizant of the consequences. In short, not be a piece of shit. Seems like a low bar to me!
Liked by: Luis Murillo

Do you think children are more spoiled when they're born on a holiday like Halloween and Christmas or feel forgotten?

No! I was born four days after Christmas and let me tell you, when your birthday is on or near a holiday you most definitely do NOT get more presents.

Before you said that the crew are still deciding on the episode count for the Countdown T.I.E have you guys decided on a number yet?

COUNTDOWN will be four episodes that run roughly 3-4 mins each. The final episode runs almost 6 minutes at present!
Liked by: Jo Luis Murillo

What were your expectations going into Blade Runner 2049?

I was hoping it would be referential of the original, while trying to say something of it's own and be it's own thing. It did both. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I saw it. I'll have to see it a couple more times to know how I feel, and only time will tell if it will ever live up to the original, but I'm happy with it.

What's the movie that made you cry?

Hmmm Monsters Inc (the very end) made me tear up, Totoro did, Interstellar, basically any movie with a father/daughter thing could do it.
Liked by: Luis Murillo

When do you think Toonami will personally end?

I honestly have no idea! I hope it doesn't end ever, but if it must, I hope I'm there to say goodbye.
Liked by: Luis Murillo

A few years ago I heard a rumor that you and the toonami crew were trying to get sailor moon crystal on the block? Is this true? If so have you dropped all attempts at getting it

We were trying to get it and it doesn't seem gettable for a long time. We'll see!

I love Toonami and am a bit worried about JoJo's, people have been telling me it's not doing well but I'm definitely not taking it from word of mouth. Do you think Diamond is Unbreakable is possible at all if Stardust Crusaders doesn't do better?

It's doing just fine.

Has it been harder this year to get shows you wanted due to streaming competition? I really hate seeing these services take away potential shows when you guys always treat them better!

It's been getting harder and harder, sadly.


Language: English