
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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have you heard of the term regressive left coined by Dave Rubin? if you look into it you might find you fall into that category.

Have you heard of the term "fuckstick," as coined by me, anon? I think you might fall into that category.

Do you plan on saying "From the creator of Yu Yu Hakusho" to help promote Hunter x Hunter in promos?


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Ever play Ratchet & Clank? Are you interested in the movie and/or game-based-on-the-movie-based-on-the-game releasing next month?

Never played it.

I just spent some time reading through your answers. I do this sometimes. You're an awesome individual, Jason. How do you find time to give such heartfelt answers with such a busy job? The media is often portrayed as a soulless brainwashing void. I'm glad gems like you (Toonami & AS) exist.

Heterodox Hippie
Thanks for saying so!

That's amazing that Mamoru Oshii did an ID for AS. If you don't mind me asking, how did that come about?

Just from my relationship with Production IG. While in Japan we visited many studios and talked about various things, among them the making of some Adult Swim IDs. This was one of them.
Liked by: Sketch

Have you backed Riding Bean? If you feel like sharing, what tier did you opt for?

I did. I'm not comfortable sharing which tier though.

My friend told me that he was going to text my mom and tell her I watch porn? What should I do?

Tell your friend he's an asshole. Then tell your mom it's normal. Then move on.

Wanted to thank you for running Parasyte! My wife wasn't much of an anime fan, but that first promo intrigued her and it became one of our special viewing events! I'm hoping to get her hooked on something else you guys might show. You guys pick great shows that hit with the general audience!

Thanks for letting me know!

3 slots to switch out? More like 2 since one is always a rerun. You say long shows aren't an issue, yet both Naruto and One Piece have had to gradually be moved down because of declining ratings. The stretch between new shows is going to be so long now people will lose interest.

Are you seriously trying to lecture me about ratings, anon who has never worked a DAY in the TV or anime industries? You are an armchair quarterback who doesn't know shit. Go away.

So how come by April 16, there won't be any Aniplex shows on the block?

Uh because they don't have a show we feel we need to have on at the moment? We are not under some obligation to feature very distributor, anon. That may be your perception but it isn't ours. We like the folks at Aniplex a lot, I've known some of them for years, and I'm sure they will bring us something again.

Genuinely curious: Was/is Hunter X Hunter's 148 episode count much of a consideration when deciding to pick it up? It'll nail now a slot for a while (making it easier for you guys) and I'm sure it was highly requested.

The length wasn't a detriment, and it certainly wasn't a huge positive. We like the show and it's one of our more requested. We're trying it out. If people don't watch it, it won't run for 148 episodes, obviously! If they do like it, and I hope they do, it will. And that's great for us.

If you didn't mind adding a lengthy show to the block then why jump on HxH so quickly when there was a demand for Fairy Tail? (For the record, I love HxH more than FT, but FT seemed fitting for Toonami and it's acquisition seems long overdue)

"Overdue" by what standard, anon? Yours? We have some obligation to run every show you deem appropriate for our block without knowing any of the behind the scenes business details, fan demand, or other reasons? If you're happy about HxH, great! Why not leave it at that?

What happened to not picking up any more long runners? Hxh is 100+ episodes. Can we expect Fairy Tail or Toriko to replace Dimension W?

This is a weird argument only a very small number of people care about and have convinced themselves matters, based on their personal preference and presented by them as empirical fact.
We want good shows that hold ratings. If they do it for a longer time, Toonami lasts longer. Makes sense, right? There's still three shows in the block that can rotate out, and more new stuff coming. 4 long runners, 3 shorter shows, still a fine mix (as long as they pull ratings). Good shows don't get "stale."

Does the Final Fantasy XV trailer with the Stand By Me cover get a pass over the normal cover songs in trailers problem since it isn't a slow/depressing version of a song?

No it gets no pass. It's ALREADY a slow depressing song. Terrible.

Sorry trying to understand How Man of Steel is dumb. So The he should be fun. Why should there be a preconceived notion what a man should be? You said it's a bummer. Themes like hope for their son is all over the film & Pa kent tells Kal that a part him wanted him to hurt those boys speaks volume

Move on, man. It's fine for you to like the film and its fine for me to dislike it. Art isn't objective. This isn't gonna go anywhere.

Man of Steel trash,WHY? Unless ppl cant accept Superman beyond Reeves. Ppl are afraid of change. Change happens. It was a different spin. Viewing Sups in a grounded way. The themes like god/race/family. Fights always end IN collateral damage. You cant PUT zod in jail. Its a good first contact film

I'm not attached to the old school comic idea of Superman, but there's no question the movie is dumb as hell and a total bummer. If you can't manage to make the idea of an invincible man who can fly fun, you should hang it up.


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