
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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Question 3: What are the five most recent movies you have watched?

Honestly I barely watch movies but the most recent ones I can recall (which were actually forever ago) are Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3 and Finding Neverland

Question 4: What's an unpopular opinion you have? (if you don't know what it is, google it, please)

I'm not really anti-vax anymore because I don't wanna put my possible future kids/other kids at risk for nasty shit (even though the chemicals in some vaccines are repulsive) but I will never get the vaccines that are considered "optional" (with some exceptions)

Question 1: What do you believe humans take most for granted in this world?

I wouldn't say humans in general all take one certain thing for granted. It depends on the individual.

Question 2: What irritates you most about society today?

Cishet people are fucking cruel to people of other genders with other sexualities
White people are fucking cruel to other races
People who don't understand the lives of sex workers slut-shame them
Men STILL consider women sex objects in 20fucking15
Neurotypicals think mental illness can be "shaken off"
People who are supposedly "educated" continue to preach ignorance and hate toward other humans.

Who is your smartest friend?

Being book smart is different from having life experience/wisdom. Different people will have different opinions on what true knowledge is.

Question 1: Have you ever met someone who has completely altered (changed) your way of thinking?

Not someone, what.
The internet- though I was only mildly problematic to begin with.


women should be celebrated every fucking day but today especially please show appreciation/support for the women in your life, and remember: show love for your sisters, not just cis-ters!
Liked by: liisa ✨

i wumbo, you wumbo, he she me wumbo, wumbo wing wumbology

I happen to study wumbology, I find it fascinating

What's your biggest phobia?

I don't think I have any phobias, and it'd be rude as fuck to the neuroatypical community to say I had any without doing thorough research or being diagnosed.

Did you ever fall asleep in school?

All the time. What pisses me off is that teachers take it personally, as though I am deliberately sleeping in their class, when in reality they just have their heads too far up their asses to realize that I do in fact have a mental illness that makes sleeping on a "normal" schedule impossible.

What's the last book you read?

The Great Gatsby and tbh I hated the plot, though the writing itself was gorgeous

I'm actually not and I'm being told that many of those facts are actually false but I still want to become vegan (I can't because my parents won't let me) and I love animals<3

Well if it's any comfort to you dairy does cause mucus- my theatre teacher says never to have any if you're gonna be singing that day
Liked by: luna;


Language: English