
Jessica Paramartha

Ask @jessicaparamartha

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Hai kak! :D Kamu termasuk user dari sosial media yang selalu update tentang kehidupan kamu di dunia maya atau gak? Kasih alasannya yah kak :D terimakasih... (pertanyaan ini just for fun hehehe)

Nope, there are some reason to this

1. Irit kuota.
2. I feel awkward when doing snapchatting/instastory.
3. I'm not an outgoing person, yet I am an awkward person.
4. I cherish all the happy moment time by time, so why do I need to ruin it for the sake of social media?

pendapat kamu tentang account lambe turah di instagram?

Sebanding dengan dagelan alias x a m p a h..

Why? Karena mulai mengganggu kehidupan pribadi artis-artis lokal. I feel pity to them, ya mereka kadang hanging out with their loved ones just to enjoy their off-time tapi ini kok masih ada aja yg iseng foto secara diam2 lalu di DM ke akun tsb buat jd bahan omongan netizen.

Like seriously? Don't you have a heart? Kalau kalian digituin gimana?

Beside akun itu suka posting hal baik soal galang dana/pencurian but no, it doesn't make that account better for my opinion. Because in the first place, this account gaining followers by ruining someone's life and post it to their followers for gaining the attention of that account.


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Kak i just came across an instagram page @nyinyirfashion... trs aku br inget kan mama aku penjahit+punya toko baju beliau pernah bilang sih kalau desainer indo banyak yg ngikutin desainer luar. Sebenernya itu boleh ngga sih kak?

Stalking akun mereka menurutku mereka ga punya kredibilitas yang akurat sama postingannya. Why? Karena ga cantumin tanggal dan bulan ataupun koleksi yg keluar pada saat itu.

Look kid, obviously originality is becoming rare in creative industry, some of them are inspired by things and forecast trend.

That is why ada tim research and development di dalem suatu perusahaan kreatif industri, they researching trend and developing their design to make something new but not doing plagiarism.

Aku rasa ga kok, desainer Indonesia ga semua plek-plekan ngikutin (aku gatau ya kalo emang ada ya). The thing is, appreciate the designing process and they make it into marvelous clothes.

At first we will make a moodboard inspired by things and trend, then we can get the conclusion what will you make with your design based on the moodboard.

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Now askfm is not like it was before, new people are here and answering weird shit and getting likes. Where are our users at? Only few users are left who post really funny and sarcasticanswers. Me missing old askfm like it was 2-5 years before. Dont you guys feel the same?

Because we already have a busy better life y'all!!

Sok sok pake "we" emang gue sm soqap ya, hanya seonggok debu gini pake "we" segala. Hhh

Ya intinya kalo aku iseng scroll askfm sepertinya pada udah (lebih) sibuk irl, tp sesekali masih suka ketemu rekan askfm kok accidentaly.
Liked by: Piggy

Sudah liat video clip awkarin yang baru belum kak? Kok kayanya lebih susah mengerti apa yang dia ucapkan daripada mengerti orang yang berbicara dengan accent british atau accent lain ya

Literally I just came for the comments
Sudah liat video clip awkarin yang baru belum kak Kok kayanya lebih susah
Liked by: fay

Kak kalau ada walk in interview goodsdept tahun 2017 info2 ya kak :D bulan apa ya kira2? Hehe

Ada lagi nih tp buat penempatan di SMS.
Yg mau datang silahkan ke tempat yg disebutkan ya!
Jgn lupa bawa CV kalian dan show your personal style yaa
Kak kalau ada walk in interview goodsdept tahun 2017 info2 ya kak D bulan apa ya

Kak aku trauma, setiap lg pdkt sm cowo dan aku udh mulai ngerasa nyaman, selalu ada fase si cowo menghilang. Apa sih yg salah dr aku?

estiayuhut’s Profile PhotoEsti A H
Masa aku membully jaki di unfollow satu orang sedih deh.
Salah aku apa?

Are you going to watch "Rogue One" or have already watched it?

We did, although I never watched star wars prequels and else I did enjoyed the movie.

It was really good and I amaze.
Are you going to watch Rogue One or have already watched it
Liked by: devaamrzh pache


Language: English