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[GYU'S QOTD] what was your first impression of the members of society?

i would list out my first impression on everyone but that would take forever so i'll just say who left the biggest first impressions on me.
YERIN — she was really quiet and she didn't talk that much, so being the curious person i am, i really wanted (still want) to get to closer to her.
JIMIN ( bts ) — it wasn't too hard to see how social he is and it was really uplifting to see him approach all of us. much love to you, my other half of 2in&out.
YURA — my first impression was that she was a bit cold, but i was pretty wrong. she's like a microwave tbh. radiating all kinds of unexpected warmth and charm.
BAEKHYUN — right of the bat, i knew he was extremely outgoing and social. but i also thought that he was the type to choose his friends and not want to try to be friends with people he didn't choose, but i was wrong. baekhyun hyung is actually an angel. and i first realized how much when he sent in that apology letter in the confessions. adored him from that day on.
. . if you want to know my first impression of anyone else, just ask!

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