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who are society's elsa, snow white, aurora, jasmine, belle, cinderella, mulan, rapunzel, and pocahontas,

elsa is seulgi bc she's letting us go.
aurora is sehun.
jasmine is jimin. he has a magic carpet.
belle is kendyeol, my sister.
mulan goes to gayoon bc she'd stab me if i didn't give it to her.
rapunzel is vern0n / suh0 / hy0ng because when is he gonna let down his hair for belle?
pocahontas is me bc i'm kim tan.
cinderella? well . . .’s Video 128657090654 7Zu1CeQ_F9gjgonin’s Video 128657090654 7Zu1CeQ_F9g

i actually have so much respect for you regarding that large paragraph written below. honestly, i didn't plan on telling you about it, but i just thought you should know. you're actually a great guy. i hope you're feeling okay. by the way, i was the star sign anon from earlier -- coughs whoops.

mizukasa’s Profile Photokanhyeki.
thanks, hyer. i'm feeling a lot better now that i got all of that out, knowing the person read it as well. but anyways - thank you, again. i'm glad we're on good terms now, sighs. but hey what not planning on telling me?? tch.

uh - you didn't say the magic word so no lmao. bUT HEY THAT REMINDED ME OF THIS JOKE I HEARD - "what's a pedophile's fav. type of shoe?" . . . wHITE VANS!!!!

hey, hey you. you're on hiatus but i just want to remind you that we're here for you. you said you need time to yourself so all of us will respectfully await your return. feel better, my sasuke.


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