Ask @jgonin

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a motivational message for everyone in society?

okay, so i know a lot of us are a bit lazy to reply and find it really difficult at times. that or maybe it's just me. but whatever it may be for you, here's a little motivation!
– if you're really not feeling it, don't. because odds are your mood will affect how you reply. so, take a break. not too long though.
– after your break, think about all of the people you aren't so close to yet. about how the newbies may not be getting the tlc that they deserve at such a vulnerable state. about how this certain person's been there for so long but you still haven't been able to really get close to them.
– when you reply, don't rush it. don't have all these tabs open with wall posts you need to reply to. you'll freak yourself out. isolate one post at a time and focus on it. reply slowly. type slowly. and make sure your words have effort and true intention in it to get to know the other better.
– assure your brain that you're catching up and that you aren't still drowning. basically, think positive! four wallposts? wow, that's a lot already.
– enjoy being able to interact with these people. they're you're family, close or not. so you should always want to get closer to more of them even if you may already have your select few close friends.
– last but not least, know that you aren't alone. the admins are doing this too especially since they have other things to tend to. the rest of the members are reaching out to you as well. it's your turn to reach out to them!

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