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[Bang-Me-Minah's QOTN] Hey hey! So, what do you look for in a boy/girl? Or better yet, what's your type? Thanks, have a good night, yas? Oh, and take care! o/ xoxo. ♡

Firm Cheeks Ambassador. ♡
what do i look for in a person?
understanding between us. friendship. communication. i'd want someone i can joke with but also be serious with. someone i know would inspire me to be a better person by being with them. overall, personality's the thing i look for most in someone. of course, you have to be physically attracted to a person to be with them, but personalities make or break someone's physical attractiveness as well. other than that, i want someone to be able to take care of me as much as i can take care of them. someone that can take the time to learn my quirks in order to know how to handle me. dating me is basically like dating an extremely sexual, hyperactive puppy. i don't think anyone knows how kinky i actually am. c ackles. not gonna lie - it's hard to be with me. but then again, no good relationship ever is without a little challenge.
ps. someone with a good sense of humor is 10/10 my type.

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[GYU'S QOTD] do you consider yourself a jealous person? why/why not? p.s.

i'm actually really possessive, so naturally - yeah, i do get jealous pretty easily. but i'd have to be extremely jealous to say or do something about it. most of the time, i just keep it in until i explode or until it sizzles away from my worries.
ps. gyusoo ???¿??¿¿

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dear person reading this; smile. somewhere out there, someone is crazy for you. life is too short to be unhappy and whatever it is that's going on will get better. so smile. i love you, have a wonderful day! — xoxo, yoon sohee. ♡

thanks yoon heart pizza. make sure to have a wonderful day yourself.


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