

Ask @welkinist

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love, i know it's hard, but you'll eventually get through💕 ✨✨✨✨✨ love, anon

*screams from a megaphone* THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOU DO THAT TOO!! <33 :'))
Liked by: srijani


sassQueenMe’s Profile PhotoAnumrita
yes i am and of course! but see, you might be bored out of your mind staring at poor instagram's 'no posts yet' message every time you click my page (which won't be many i assure you) otherwise though, i'd definitely love to follow you! mine is *que the next lame username* chewingllama8 (because simply 'chewingllama' was already taken fml) :)))
Liked by: srijani Anumrita

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yeah, i totally get you on that. i've always been the awkward turtle in pretty much all situations. sometimes i can get sarcastic, and be hella blunt, but that's only with my true friends. also thank you so much for tagging me in your answer! you're totally welcome, & thanks for all the compliments

really? i'm hella blunt with pretty much everyone. just the other day i embarassed myself for just that...smh. good thing you have control XD. and no problem! it's my pleasure *bows* *then facepalms self*
Liked by: srijani Anumrita

guess who? 😘✌🏼️ ✨✨✨✨✨ love, anon

i honestly don't know. i do have a couple of guesses but i can't be sure haha XD
Liked by: srijani

stay, because the night is young and so are you. 🌙🌟 ✨✨✨✨✨ love, anon

i will! (it's day here though, just wanted to mention it hehe) thanks so much for these! ily!
Liked by: srijani

What three things do you think of most each day?

- studying but not getting it done.
- writing but not gettting it done.
- eating and drowning in wifi but somehow i get that done every time.
Liked by: srijani n a r i

the world is cruel, yet i know you can endure. 🌏🌍🌎 ✨✨✨✨✨ love, anon

yeah the world is a crazy place, but there still are people like you out there... (see what i did there? *poke poke*) thanks so much, anon! (i love that formatting (that's what it's called i believe lol) too. keep it up xx)
Liked by: srijani

this is so petty but how do you get over your close friends going on hangouts without inviting you and ignoring you?

right, so nicola, let's see it in an unpolished, straightforward manner, all right? (i sound like granny, wtf?)
first off, you don't. get over the weird hurt-like feeling you might be feeling, that is. it's definitely like a slap to yor face when people who you consider your friends do that to you. that's why i've taken to keeping everybody at least a couple of yards away from my heart. but that's just pessimistic me. you don't and should not do that. keep your close friends, but sometime later, trust me, you'll realize that it isn't the end of the world (which you probably already have).
secondly (yeah first one got a little out of my hand lengthy), you need to know that just this fact isn't going to make them bad friends or that they were plotting some evill ass sabotage on you. they probably forgot, or had some different reason behind leaving you out. basically, what i mean is that you shouldn't jump to conclusions and completely kick them out of your life (which i'm certain you wouldn't do).
thirdly, you are not petty. my friends had some kind of party weeks ago and i didn't even know until somebody else told me. i admit i felt a teensy tiny bit bad but then i kicked myself and i was all right again. (don't do that, but you get what i mean, don't you?)
if you don't, for remedial measures, you can (i'm not high. this is just my opinion):
organize a sort of back up plan set of friends you can lean onto when your original set of pals ditch you last minute. doing this, believe me, feels 10× better than thinking about what you're friends were doing and eatig your brain out.
who knows? this back up might even end up becoming your real friends who'd do just about anything for you.
now cheer up, nicola! you'll be fine like a dumpling (i'm not high, i swear)

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Tag your favourite people with a colour that describes their personality and why ❤️💛💚💙💜💗 eg Elizabeth, Gold, Royal

okay so the first time i put my heart and soul into making this, my stupid drunk fingers messed up and destroyed my day so this time i'm just going to stick to my ask favorites, okay? okay (i know that's mad outdated but who cares right? right)
- @sassQueenMe - willow - turquoise - i love the color! it's lively and effervescent. just one of those colors that stand out from everything else and bursts into its own little spectrum (defying physics, of course). just like you, willow, adding on, friendly, positive and super nice :)) thanks for being so kind and patient with my weird-ness (is that a word?) always. :")
- @novocained - elara - orange - it's such a cozy color. reminds me of home and dusk. i love having those conversations about our families with you. thanks so much for reading my answers. you need a lot of willpower, patience and more willpower to do that. it was incredibly sweet of you to wish me on my b'day. i'm glad that you did and for all the conversations we've been having :)))
- @missgrammarnazi - nicola - indigo - you seem like a very accepting and friendly person. indigo seems like a color that could fit any mood, hence why i think it is accepting. you too have tonnes of willpower and patience bearing my answers :")))
- @northbynorth - rose - red - mostly because of your name and partly because i think you are a total badass in the writing world as well as with your comebacks and replies on ask. i love your inspiring writings. been a fan since i read Saving Elliot. it never gets old :D

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Liked by: srijani eve Anumrita Rose

oh get well soon .. :) r u on kik insta or any social network?

i don't have kik.
*enter shameless self promotion*
but i do have instagram (my account's empty with cobwebs. i basically just stalk people and comment crap that should stay in my head because i'm a creepy spider...get it? *wink wink*)
i'm definitely more active on tumblr --> the-cuddly-moon (don't mind the lame ass name please. what can i say? my love for celestial bodies never ends) and wattpad --> welkinist :))
*exit shameless self promotion*
thank you so much for saying that though. i just have a runny nose now. no sledgehammers in za throatzzz ^^
Liked by: srijani n a r i


nothing much. still sick af, piling up on mountains of tissues filled with snot (you're welcome for the imagery), leaving them on the couch like a qualified hygienic person pissing off my dad.
Liked by: srijani

Do-over day! Tell us about three things you would do differently!

- not be sick (actually, i don't have a control over that, do i? i should probably talk to the virus causing me this sledgehammer sensation in my throat every time i swallow)
- scowl less, smile more
- grow some patience for good measure
Liked by: srijani

oh that's nice :) and haha, trust me awkwardness is just something bound to happen regardless of family.

yeah you're probably right. it was probably drilled into our genes when we were just embryos. i mean, there can't be any other reason why i keep embarrassing myself even when there's nothig to be embarrassed about :'(
Liked by: srijani n a r i

What is the best place to hide things from others?

now normally, i would resort to some silly, pointless answer like under the couch or behind a crater. but today, i want to say this. why would you feel the need to hide things from others? the best and the worst place to do that is in your head. stashing things away in that mind of yours can - believe it or not - be one of the dangerous things ever.
the reason i've turned all philosophical and motherly is because a boy from our grade went missing. it's been almost two and a half days since he's been gone. apparently he ran away from home with a laptop, some money, a razor (a freaking razor) and no phone (wtf). everyone's talking. the whole entire school knows. i never knew him personally, but from what i did know, he was a fairly silent kid just minding his own business, always around a close-knit group of friends. as cliche as it sounds though, nobody knows why he did that, nobody ever expected HIM to do that. of course no one did! you see, the thing with humans is, as harsh as it sounds, we're all pretty irrelevant until something good or bad happens to us (mostly bad though).
if any if those rumors are true, i don't know what in the world he was thinking running away fromhis parents, PARENTS, out of all people. i mean, i know i'm not going to change the world, or change him, but it just baffles my mind why anybody would ever willingly cause so much pain to their parents no matter whatever the freaking reason is. why would anybody ever be so selfish?
so that is it for this somewhat ranting rant i guess. i just think that whatever problems anybody has, they should just come outright and say it. if you can't say it to your parents or even your closest friends, you probably have a counselor in your school. talk to them. their paid not so your school can boast about having counseling (which is probably partly true i guess...) they want to help you!

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Liked by: srijani

i guess? a lot of them are my half siblings though, and so we don't get to talk much as we live in different countries. lol not so much, because as kids we were all pretty busy, plus we didn't all live together. and yeah lol. i only talked to him once after that and it was mighty awkward.

oh that's a very different thing from my family. it's always been just the four of us. a common lil' four-member family. apart from yearly visits to my grandparent's place, meeting cousins, uncles and aunts, yeah, it's been just the four of us all along. that probably explains why i am so damn awkward to this day lol.
Liked by: srijani

Who do you follow on Vine?

i don't have Vine, but good thing you ask, ask, because if i did, i'd probably follow Jack & Jack. their song 'like that' (i'm a year late but better late than never, r8?) has been stuck in my head for the past four hours. check it out if you haven't!
p.s. the lyrics are, well, negotiable. but melody is so catchy dammit!
Liked by: srijani

If the world is a stage, where does the audience sit?

on top of each planet.
- all the models and celebs would take the sun because it is hot there (get it? get it? get it?)
- the pervs and hormonal teenagers would inhabit Uranus (yup, i'm a certified immature gal *flips hair*)
- the lazy and procrastinators would join Saturn because sat-urn, technically means you're sat, hun!
- the wedding planners, event planners, funeral planners amongst other planners would stay in Venus because ven-ues are their forte, get what i mean? *poke poke*
- the scientists and too-brainy-for-school morons, i mean, people, would sit on Mercury, because mercury is used in thermometers and i wouldn't know how to apply that into temperature because i have no brain and also because, well, i ran out of ideas.
- planet-ists like nationalists would stay on earth because they care for their planet and can't afford the rocket fee.
- chocolate enthusiasts and other sweet tooth holders would got to Mars because, hello, mars bars are the bomb.
- Shaquille O'Neal, elephants and watermelons would all go to Jupiter because what do they all have in common? they're all big! (pun not intended)
- musicians and tumblr-addicts would got to Neptune to tune up their napes (meaning: (here) head) and bust out their imagination. i mean, have you seen the planet? it's aesthetic af!
and last but not least,
- people who have common sense, people who know what it feels like to be excluded from a group, and people who are born small unintentionally, BASICALLY, all the nice humans, will got to Pluto. because Pluto is small, like the fraction of people who pass all those i mentioned above (aka, me) and simply because Pluto is the shit and they know it.
p.s. yup. i messed up the planet's order and i know the sun isn't even a planet. but guess what? i'm not a scientist and this ain't NASA, so there.
...i should really consider getting a checkup.

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Liked by: srijani Anumrita

How would you like to be remembered?

"hands are meant to be full and so was she."
take it whichever way you want because honestly, that was just a result of another brain vomit (you're welcome for the mental imagery). i don't know what it's meant to mean myself.
on a serious note though (oh you wouldn't have guessed, would you?) i want to be remembered as the girl you could count on to laugh her head silly when nobody got your joke.
Liked by: srijani


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