

Ask @Anastasia12369

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what made you have sex? and do you regret loosing your virginity? i have lost mine, i only did it to fit in with everybody. but i actually regret doing it at such a young age (13) the first time i had sex it didnt hurt THAT much and i didnt bleed? its like being poked but more intense dont u think?

i dont regret losing my virginity not even a little bit because i did it with the guy i loved and if i had to do it all over again i would,naaw yeeah maybe you should have waited but at the same time like i guess everything happens for a reason in life,and you dont really notice if you bleed or not,and yeeah canna (:

ok eah but ghee i hop you and him ddnt have sex aye !!! -.- sorry ghee algoods eah but yeh he told everyone he got you preggas and you had an abortion ghee ?

i didnt honest! wtf! he better fucking watch his mouth oii
like no offense or anything but he's to easy aye
you can tell him to shut the fuck up k sweet (:
Liked by: Casey Taloa

eah you text eachother all the time, and eah better be telling me the truth eah cause hes telling everyone he got you hapu ghee?

wtf! honest to god oii i never text him
he really needs to shut up and stop spreading shit that aint true
people these days -.-


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