

Ask @Anastasia12369

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3 songs to describe ur life. For me it's Stay high, when I'm gone and No love

Iggy-my world,stay high aswell and Eminem-beautiful -A

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Bullshit I can't wait to shoot you on the run. I may take back my statement about the army if u manage to shoot me :p

Bring it haha

That's mean getting a cripple to do ur DT.

Algoods haha you'll be even more crippled once we go paintball haha oush whoop yo ass

Don't make a cripple do ur DT. If u get in the SAS I will give u my life savings :p

Straight up better get that money ready haha

Didn't mean it in a mean way I was just curious about how someone can do that with their face

Well it sure came across that way -.-
Keep your thoughts to yourself
Canna rude.Shes far more pretty than me and all the girls at acg.Her mouth does not look munted you must be seeing things

Um jade how did you make that selfie face. You mouth looks real munted

Jade is one of the most beautiful girls ever so you can just shut the fuck up aye :) much love

Learn to facking cut Anasasia a cripple can cut better than u and u will need cutting for the army :p

Hahah ohmygosh I was just playing around cause I couldn't be bothered doing anything.how about you do my work then cripple ;) aye aye aye.I'll be fucking sick in the army g.Id be killing it you just wait and see (;

You guys seem semi opposite, Jade has such an innocent vibe, and Ana seems so experienced ;)

youd be surprised what jade can do ;) wink wink nudge nudge

And Ana aswel

Someone that is always there for me and wont leave me no matter what :)
i dont have much preferences i just like whoever i like dont look into qualities that much,it just happens <3


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