

Ask @Anastasia12369

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Why is your name "cunt xo" ?? you're legit calling yourself a vagina its actually stupid

I like that pussy! Tapping bitches allday everyday -A

Omg to the anon seriously just piss off, you're obviously just jealous of the friendship they have, so stop being a low life and trying to stir up shit, just mind your own business okk. Anastasia and Jade are both such lovely people and don't deserve this crap so omg just get a life and go away x x

Awww thank you so much holly! You're so sweet honestly! Such An amazing person.You tell that anon what's up (; since he/she doesn't get the point haha,you are a true friend we love you to bits!!! :* ❤️
Liked by: hell is empty

ignore hate from anon. its normal to spend time with some friends more than others from time to time, people should know that

love ya :*

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So Anastasias best friend is Jade and Jades is Ariana

Wtf we have more than one best friend can u read -J

You're just inconsiderate selfish bitches, who don't deserve any friends anyways, have fun you two, but don't expect any of us to be there for you if you need it, because friendships don't work like that.


No offence, but ever since jades come along, you've totally dumped all your other friends and neglected them, and to top it all off you've ruined a friendship between jade and Ariana, win/win aye

ARE U KIDDING ME. I'm sorry that Anastasia and I are close but ummm it's a free frickin country and ur mean.

I feel really bad for Ariana, you're just so sad

Do you really have no life or something? that you feel the need to get into other peoples business when it has nothing to do with you! clearly me and jades life is far more interesting than yours! i feel sorry for you,really do haha.You dont even got the balls to say it face to face instead you're sitting behind a computer screen writing shit to us that you know nothing about! wow clearly your a ray of sunshine upon all haha.Dont be such a loser,find a life aye -A

Lol you must think you're real cool. Just weird how you were "friends" with so many ppl at one stage and than you find someone else and just drop the other ones

Have you ever thought in some cases it was the other way round. It's none I your business anyway.

You're the bitch here making Ariana feel like shit

We don't mean to do that so actually go fuck yourself,we try to include her in everything -A

It's sad how you guys leave Ariana alone

We actually don't, I love her heaps and sorry if it looks that way to you but I care a lot about her.

Y are you and jade even friends....so weird

Because I'm the coolest person on the planet
Love jaydawg

Wow see you did it again

I can do watever I want haha
If you don't like it don't ask?
Peace motherfucker ✌️-A


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