

Ask @Anastasia12369

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what do you think about popular groups?

okaaay they are so fucking stupid honestly!
popularity wont get you anywere in life,its good for nothing (:
and most popular groups actually think their better than other people,which fucks me off cause everyone is equal!
Liked by: hell is empty

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do you and niko go out!

no! we are bestfriends and always will be only that! believe it or not theres a thing called friendship!
and to all the cunts that said that niko liked me or that i like him fuck off k
cause i love my bf rourutara and niko loves his gf! and you are just stupid as cunts that get into everyones business (:

thoughts on baylee patton?

so fucking pretty,has such amazing eyes! like omfg ;o she's so nice to everyone and seems like a really great friend to have (: shes saaaah cute! hehe (: and yeeeah just the best xoxox
Liked by: hell is empty

so my friend wants us to be no strings attached and i want to but then i don't.p.s im a girl HELP!

i'm pretty sure No strings attached is guy code for "i'm emotionally retarded but your vagina sounds neat" <3
soz im no help hahah
Liked by: hell is empty

heard you don't let your bf go to parties

tbh thats all shit aye.im actually the one telling him to go but he just doesnt wanna.not my fault
so yeeeah get your facts right biaaatch (:


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