

Ask @Anastasia12369

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do a long list of turn on's

1.when guys call you beautiful instead of hot
2.Lip bites
3.guys with nice smiles :D
4.guys with dimples
5.guys with sexci bodies wooooooo
6.neck kisses
7.british accents
8.guys that tell you their secrets (;
cant think of anymore atm ;o

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you would hardly ruin your hair!! non-permanent dyes fade after a month it's only stuff like bleaching you need to worry about!!

yeeah but still dont like it (:

aaa why don't you?? your hair is like, the perfect colour for dying!!

i just dont (: like i rather not ruin my hair too ealry because even if you dye it a little bit it still damages your hair (: xo

are you and kitana friends?

This gurl.ofcourse,she will always be my friend.She has always been there for me and i value her so much!
i love her to bits even if she doesnt care about me but thats algoods (:.She is a true friend,honestly people that are friends with her are fucking lucky! xo

Im never gonna find another friend like you<33 :( You are amazing and beautiful <3 dont let anyone tell you different ♥

thank you but you'll fine someone else (: ♥

have you ever thought dying the tips of your hair blue (or any colour)?? it'd look nice!!

no,i dont like dying my hair (:
thanks tho (:

i miss you! please come back to selwyn!

imissyoutoo anon but i'll never go back to that hell hole,
no offense (:

thoughts on me <3 (;

your a really good friend!,always make me laugh,we got separted today :'( all your fault :P haha,your soooo pretty! and just amazing! <3
mwaaah xo


Language: English