

Ask @Anastasia12369

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hehehhehe awwww thanks :3 Btw.... Now when I imagine you working away somewhere like in your own office or just at home designing things... Ugh ADORABLE. xD xo

Blair Montaperto
your adorable hehe :3 xo

Thoughts on this weirdooo :3 ---->

Blair Montaperto
asdfghjkl your amazing! :3,your so nice and CUTE!, your intersting to talk to (: and can keep a convo going (:,that reminds me have to spam you again :P,your easy to talk,your a really good friend that anyone will be lucky to have, YOUR JUST THE BEST! xo

ok we r just wondering...can u please write one our questions who u think is prettier in our propic.. and make it anonymous:)<3 thx so much!

uh sure xo

what happened to you,i dont recognize this anastasia! i remember the party girls anastasia that was always having fun and didn't give a shit about anything,now your turning to some good girl?? wtf! nek minute you even go to church but sucks how you've changed!

well i'm sorry,things change,people change,i actually wanna study and get somwhere in life not muck around for the reast of my life,i've grown up maybe you should try it sometime and in fact i do go to church now,got a problem? take it up with somebody that cares.

i try go on your fb and it doesnt work?

oh i deactivated it
need to study, STUDY and study
it was a big distraction (:

Your replies are perfect :3 You don't give a shit about any of the things these asshole anons have to say. :3 xo

Blair Montaperto
thanks (: i just write what i think, yeeah i dont (: their not worth my time or anyone elses xo

thoughts on suicide?

its not a way out,it just means you have come to you low point and you have given up,
but you have to get back up on your feet and fight!
your life is too precious to be throwing it away.
Liked by: Blair Montaperto

That reply just before was perfect.. When you put your trust into people so easily it just gets crushed. Most times I don't give a fuck anymore, it's more like a numb feeling. ehh I just don't get why people would hurt you? You seem so nice :3 xo

Blair Montaperto
Every time you starting trusting someone it just back fires in your face,thats why you should only trust yourself because your the only person you can rely on,no one else (: ,yes i have the same feeling i just dont care anymore,because there is so much bullshit and then you dont know whats real and whats fake .naw your so sweet! but without getting hurt you can't learn,so i just let go of the hate,move on and learn from everything. xo
Liked by: Blair Montaperto

how do you not care? i wish i didnt care but i do?:/

probably because once your hurt so many times ,you just start not giving a fuck
and you let go of everything and just do what you want and what you think is right
cause at the end of the day you control your life not the people that judge you.


Language: English