
Asthree Works

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Hi asthreeworks! I just wanted to say that you guys are absolutely amazing! I’ve been watching this project from the start and it has grew into something amazing! Keep up the great work! Especially Enol Martínez with that amazing pixel art! 👾

Thanks for your kind words! All the time spent in those animations is worth it for comments like yours ;-)
Liked by: Cameron

I absolutely love the pixel art/animation in this game 👍🏻! Enol Martínez’s pixel art inspired me to start drawing my own pixel art. I know practice over time is key but does Enol Martinez have any advice or tutorials for a young pixel artist? Has he thought of creating a Udemy course or some YouTube

First of all thanks for your comment, seeing how my work inspired you to enter this world and bring your ideas to live really makes my day :-D
Talking about the experience in the field, I've been doing animation since I was very young, started with Photoshop and Flash and then moved to other platforms. My actual tool to create pixel art (and the one that resembles Flash the most) is Aseprite, wich allows to use layers, exports spritesheets, etc. Having a great tool like this enhances the creative process and saves you tons of hours (plus it's cheap!).
The good thing about pixel art is that it can adapt the complexity of an animation to the look and feel of your aesthetic and doesn't require complex visuals to look cool. Start with simpler graphics (like Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery), test your skills and grow from there.
About creating an online course, right now we are ultra-focused in the development of our game so I don't have much time left for anything :-/
and besides, there are tons of pixel art tutorials out there!
I encourage you to check the ones from MiniBoss, they are very helpful and beautiful to look at: http://blog.studiominiboss.com/pixelart
PS: if you don't create incredible animations in no time don't despair! This is a process that requires hours of patience ;-)

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Liked by: Cameron

As far as I can see from screenshots, you are using something like 44px height characters and a 290x149 pixel perfect camera for in-game graphics. Is it correct? Were these your first choice? A 32px height is more classic but it seems hard to get the same detail level (especially on oblique lines)

Yeah, we are working with considerably big characters. This was our first choice because we wanted realistic animations for cutscenes and gameplay situations. With this scale we can create detailed objects too (all the game happens inside a facility so creating a huge variety of elements for the backgrounds was essential).
You can make great graphics with less pixels (look at Sword and Sorcery) but probably need to rely in other aesthetic elements or use more fx/music tunes to represent certain effects or gameplay mechanics.

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Que consejo podríais dar a aquellos que desean dedicarse a los videojuegos? Como de grande consideráis que es el sector por vuestra zona?

Los mejores consejos que podemos dar son:
- aprender herramientas de desarrollo básicas como Unity para crear el juego, Visual Studio para programar y Aseprite si por ejemplo se quieren realizar gráficos pixel art (algo más accesible que otro tipo de técnicas como el 3D).
- contar con un equipo multidisciplinar pero procurar que cada miembro del equipo se centre en tareas concretas, no abarcar demasiado uno solo.
- aprender a trabajar con milestones distribuyendo las tareas de manera coherente.
- planificar muy bien el proyecto antes de lanzarse a realizar gráficos y testear con mockups las mecánicas de juego para ver que el proyecto funciona y es divertido.
- plantear una vuelta de tuerca sobre mecánicas existentes: es lo que ayudará a diferenciar tu proyecto.
Sobre la pregunta de como de grande es el sector en Asturias, pues hay unos cuantos estudios que se dedican al desarrollo de juegos en la región y al menos uno (Milkstone) ha sacado al mercado proyectos bastante exitosos y con buenas críticas. Se podría decir que vamos creciendo poco :)

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Hello I plan on making a game of my own my only issue is I don't know where to look for pixel art designers/animators and since I'm currently doing everything solo I'd like to know where you all looked for artists

The Lead designer of Paradise Lost started making pixel animations since he was young, so we didn't have to find an artist for the game. Other members of the studio help with the sprites too and learned how to do some basic animations and graphics. We recommend to use Aseprite, is a really useful pixel tool and everyone can get the drift of it in no time :)

i bought the silver edition a while ago, and i go back to the download link at humblebundle every once and a while for updates, but nothing changes. it says its alpha version 1.1.2. isnt the demo link being updated?

Walker Maher
We didn't update the demo because the basic structure of the game is being constantly modified and some mechanics could show problems. We are working on a different environment inside Unity and stuff that you saw in the demo build is no longuer there (rooms moved, other enemies, cutscenes, etc). We'll probably update the demo again when we come close to beta version so people can experience the gameplay changes.
Some of the things that have been upgraded since ver. 1.1.2:
- entering hideouts from any position
- sprite fixes for graphical errors
- arrows showing vertical conducts
- new signals and clearer maps for corridors
- enhanced state bubbles for the enemies

Cómo habéis logrado dedicaros integramente al desarrollo del juego sin acabar debajo de un puente? Me gustaría entrar en el mundillo del desarrollo indie y ando algo perdido en ese proceso de transición. PD: Estáis haciendo un juegaco.

Alberto Fernandez
Muchas gracias! Sobre lo de vivir debajo de un puente... nadie a dicho que no estemos debajo de uno! jajaja
Ahora en serio, hacer videojuegos implica muchos sacrificios. Nosotros planificamos lo mejor que pudimos el desarrollo y nos lanzamos a la piscina con la campaña de Kickstarter, dejando nuestros trabajos en el proceso. Te recomiendo que te lo tomes con calma y te especialices en el campo que más te gusta. Júntate con gente competente e intenta salir adelante :)
Liked by: Alberto Fernandez

No more dev logs?

Still doing them but took some time developing the alpha demo for Kickstarter / Humble backers. We'll be posting a new one in no time.

asthreeworks.com/level-editor-map-and-new-goodies I really like it!! And I have one question about that.. Is that made with unity editor? Or others?

All made with Unity. The Unity editor provides the basic scheme and tools to design your levels. We wanted to go a step forward and added new functions like the room grid, but most options like snapping to pixel units, etc. come by default :)

Will you release this in 2017 or later?

(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃──☆*:・゚“A game is never late, nor is it early, it arrives precisely when it means to."
So, in our case, the game would come to life when we'll finish it. And none of us can tell when would it be. Our top priority is to make the best gaming experience that we can provide. We don't want to rush the production values so we don't have a final release date for the moment.
Liked by: anon4122231518

Could you give us an example of boss fight (like a teaser)

Sounds like the stuff the dreams are made of... and also Demos.
Indeed our backers and supporters will have the chance to play an entire level with its final boss instead of showing you a video teaser with how would it look like.
Liked by: anon4122231518

Is there any way to re-purchase he game? I have recently discovered this and would love to do so but it doesn't seem like I can......

∑(O_O;) Thanks for notifying us!
There was a mix-up with the links on Humble but now it's fixed! (o´ω`o)ノ

Do you know any good tutorial for pixel animation?

Yasss!! ☆ ~('▽^人)
A developer named Alexey Garkushin posted a series of tutorials about pixel art making in general. They are quite interesting for a beginner (not all animation related but very useful): http://gas13.ru/v3/tutorials/sywtbapa_almighty_grass_tile.php
Animating pixel art is no different than doing it in other style. Aside from the technique and tools selected, the animation methods are practically the same. I always recommend to check out this wonderful tutorial that explains the 12 basic animation principles: https://vimeo.com/93206523
Also, if you are searching for a program to work with I encourage you to download Aseprite. Is cheap and easy to use (best pixel art drawing/animation tool out there).
Good luck with your future pixel creations! ( ̄▽ ̄)/
Liked by: anon4122231518

Will the first secret chapter be available for all players? And will there be any second secret chapter?

Quick answer: 1)Yes 2) Nope
The first secret chapter: Lost Memories, is unlockable for all players and game versions after finishing it. As for the "second": Unveil the truth starring Della Hudson (the journalist), there's no intentions of doing it.
And if you are trying to figure out why, I'll help you (⌒ω⌒)
"Unveil the truth" changes the core and game mechanics and adds a lot of new dialogues in six languages (english, spanish, french, german, portuguese and russian).
For this chapter there'll be about the same amount of words as for the main game (it makes it a game by itself) and the budget for translation is very tight so we can not afford the cost for the Della's chapter.
Now maybe there are people thinking about dropping one or two languages options to get the chapter but we don't agree with them and it'll be a long story so PLFC will come on those six languages and every player will have the chance to play the chapter Lost Memories if they beat the game (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

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Will there be voice acting in this game?

Unfortunately not (´-ω-`)
Paradise Lost is our first foray into video games and it's already a huge project. Besides this, adding voices to the project it's harder than it seems, so we will not include voice acting.
Probably for the next project (´• ω •`) ♡

Can you give us a small hint about the story?

All we can say is the brief summary about the project: http://asthreeworks.com/games-paradise-lost-first-contact/
The story of Paradise Lost is one of the keys to keep players engaged throughout the experience and whatever we say concerning the plot is a spoiler, sorry human |ω・)ノ
Anyway, if you check our regular updates through Kickstarter or the Asthree devblog you'll have some hints about new enemies and situations (・ω<)☆

I'm eagerly waiting for testing out the game. Even a small preview build works; like HyperlightDrfiter; they released a preview build open for a short time on Steam. Can we expect that anytime soon? I know you are busy, but realistically, how long before we get our IDs with our shiny pixel faces? :D

It could take a little while but yes, expect a preview build.
About the campaign goodies, Kickstarter allow to make a single survey so it could be very chaotic at this moment… we are waiting to send all things after the game release.

it has the swag so give it the taste!! it is not a serious question but i'm on it i've always wanted to see the squid-thing with an 'oceanic' color. yk some camouflage like the octopoossies - lol i hate these guys- but with a more bright tone. can u do that? or it will be possible with their skills?

Ey pal! the squid-thing is actually an alien plant, not an animal, and its camouflage ability is inspired by the translucent effect of plants like the Haworthia called "windowed leaves" http://bit.ly/1FSfz2UAbout the effect that the plant generates, it's more like a Predator camo. Here is a sneak peak of the effect ingame (the one from the right): http://bit.ly/1PsClz6And about the color scheme, Subject W is, as early stated, a sentient plant, and for that sole purpose is green :D (and even has a slight blue tone to differentiate it from the rest of normal plants).

It's possible that you may be tired of answering the same question over and over but, how are things going? I can imagine that rewriting code and improving graphics take time so, how advanced is all of that? And finally, could you say a release date because I'll settle with a realistic estimation.

Things are going fine, we resolved a lot of issues and the game is working perfectly so far. Sometimes repeating a task give you a new perspective about stuff that didn't work well in the previous version (anyway it's a pain in the ass haha). Right now we are implementing the logic and core mechanics of the puzzles and still working on the AI. About the release of the game we can't confirm a certain date... We planned to have a Beta version for the end of the year, but time will tell.

Hi, my name is Achraf and i am a college student and i wonder if you can accept my interview request of a research that i am doing , just some simple questions about the job as game developer . Thanks .

You can send your questions to info@asthreeworks.com. We are very busy with the game development, so it could take a little since we answer all your questions.
Anyway if you are making a research, best way to do it is sending a pre-made test to different developers. Those are quick and easy to respond ;)

Could you add an RSS feed for your DevBlog ?

We are going to add an RSS feed icon on the devblog, keep an eye on it :)

I always thought that your game was too neat for such a small team and that made me suspicious from the start. Now I read on the Steam announcements that you're starting from scratch and it's cause you changed the programmer. I just wanna know what happened. Was it something out of whack?

The only thing that we started from scratch is the game's code, everything else will be exactly the same.
Back in September we had a different perspective about things with the previous partner, and didn't feel like we could continue the development along him. We didn't want any trouble with intellectual property rights and to avoid that we didn't take the code.
We are now working with a new programmer and advanced a lot in the development. We also added new stuff that we thought impossible to make, so we are more confident about the game progress right now :)
We talked about this in recent Kickstarter updates and we'll change the website soon with a devblog section, where you can take a look to the development process.


Language: English