

Ask @AzarHeartnet

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Do you remember life without technology? What was it like?

Back then, life is full of surprises. You have to make more effort in order to achieve something. Every meeting is precious. Every moments are treasured in memories of the persons involved. Everything is harder yet they are much more enjoyable.

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How do you deal with judgmental people?

The first thing you have to know, they will never stop. So it's important to not push them away but instead, take a look at what they judge. Are they wrong, or right? If they're right, why not change? And if they're wrong, just ignore them. People are mirror that reflect how we look to them. If we're not good enough, why not become better? Don't just say "haters gonna hate". Take what they say as a life lesson. Remember, Prophet Muhammad never hate a person because of he himself, but instead he hates the wrong doings that the person commit. Take the positive as what to do, and the negative as what not to do.

Post one of your favorite quotes and who it's by!

"Life is basically like a soap bubble.
It rides on the wind, flying here and there,
…And before you realize it, pop! It’s gone.
When it’s about to disappear, you think
that you could’ve flown a bit higher.
But by the time, it’s already too late." - Gintoki Sakata

What or who motivates you to get out of bed every morning?

The thought that somewhere out there, someone needs me.

What's on your thought?

About even though I'm trying my hardest right now, what she did still capture my attention. This is going to last for some times but I'll get through this. Allah is with me :D

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?

My brother. I ask if he wants a new kitten and then it went deep from there.

What is the worst gift you have ever received?

There is no such thing as worst gift. All gift is wonderful.

What is the worst thing you have heard today?

My hometown might suffer from earthquake and tsunami, and "I don't want you to like me anymore".
Today was great.

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

Pour my thoughts, regrets and confession into my private tweet account.


Language: English