

Ask @AzarHeartnet

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describe aku

Aina Najwa
Alamak tak kenal cane nak describe. Jap2. Ermmm. Kalau salah jangan marah tau. Ex student mrsm pkp (yang mana tak sure but maybe Taiping), an LFC fan (kita geng), an acquintance of Sayuthi (perhaps?) pastu kita saling follow memollow di Twitter. Please cakap ni je dah cukup.

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so still fall in love with the same girl?

I moved on from the first one but not completely over the second one. But she's got someone now and I'm happy enough to see her happy. She's been through a lot before.

yes specific ?

The first one was my ex and also the only girl I've ever been in a relationship with. The other one is a junior from my old highschool. Revealing their name seems inappropriate.

Any advice for guys out there?

When you find a girl who loves you, treasure her. You may not yet know this, but it hurts to have unrequited love. You may not see how she truly is while you're busy looking at someone else. Take some time and know her. If you still can't find yourself loving any part of her tell her the truth. Don't leave her hanging. You may not know what you've lost. While you're busy looking away, some other guy will try to keep her company. They put a smile on her face. They made her happy. And when you realize how precious she is, she's long gone with a guy who truly appreciate her. Some time things don't come as how we want them to be, but come as how we need them to be. Think carefully, have you ever made a girl cry alone on their bed at night? How many heart you broke because of you? There are two kind of mistake. One is the thing that you did. And the other is thing that you didn't do. Think really carefully and open your eyes. Before it's too late.

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Liked by: mysara

Salah tekan keyboard although i dengan a jauh😂😂 Ciri ciri

Haa. Taip tu biar orang boleh faham. Pada aku lah, ciri ciri orang yang sesuai dengan kau susah nak agak. Sebabnya some people anggap kalau dua pasangan yang berbeza tu dia akan saling melengkapi, and ada pulak yang anggap, kalau pasangan tu sama dia akan lebih memahami satu sama lain. But untuk kau, aku rasa perempuan tu mesti kena bersedia sebab kau ni jenis macam aku, unpredictable. Actually kau ni dah complete package untuk kahwin. So tak kisah mana2 asalkan dia perempuan sesuai je dengan kau.

suka perempuan mekap tebal?

Tu preference masing2. But honestly speaking, perempuan yang mekap so-so je is a lot better than mekap 2 inci. Nak pikat orang better guna muka yang tuhan berikan. Jangan bertopengkan mekap. Kalau sampai naik pelamin nanti malam2 awak nak mekap jugak ke? You can male a guy like you with make up. But to make him completely fall for you, that's when your natural beauty take part. That said, kalau dah suka kat orang tu, tak kisah pun mekap dia tebal or nipis. Asalkan dia happy and always smiling 😜


Language: English