

Ask @AzarHeartnet

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How many times did u meet your gf/crush in a day ?

Gf = 0. I have no such person. Crush = 0. I'm not really sure if I have any anymore.
Liked by: eskepism

Any unforgettable memories with your dad?

Got lots of them. Too many that I have lost count. But there was one that I can never forget. There was this one time that I had to go to a motivation camp. During the last day of the camp, the parents are invited to join the camp. I still remember that on that day, there was a slot when the facilitator start talking about parents sacrifices to their children. Many of us were crying and I was one of them. Then the facilitator ask us to go and find out parents. I found my mum then I hug her, asking for forgiveness. Then my mom ask me to find my dad. I found him and start doing the same. But my father's reaction exceed my expectation. It made me realise how fragile a father's heart when it comes to their children. My father who always put on a serious face all the time was crying when he hug me. He was more sad than I do. I'd never seen him that way before. We hug for a few minutes until we both calm down. I don't need to tell what happens afterwards. But those were one thing that I could never forget for my whole life. That was the only time I saw my father shed his tears.

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Liked by: sayang asniessa

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Eh dahtu sem 2 masuk bila?

Next month. A week before Aidil Fitri. I only spent a week fasting at GMi before going back home for Aidil Fitri.

Hmm tu lah kena tabah :3 kehkeh . Bila habis paper?

Rabu habis. Engineering science, Electrical principle dengan programming.

English, tamadun islam, fizik mekanik, aqidah islam. Hm.

Macam kena banyak baca je. Tabah lah. Tamadun Islam macam menarik.

Selasa ni start balik. Direct smp jumaat pastu baru habis. Hueh

Haha. Pedih jugak tu. Paper apa lagi yang tinggal?

Where you do not mind waiting?

Anywhere. I don't mind waiting anyway. After all, I have been on the wait for my whole life.

x lah...kalau aku kurus senang jumpe saiz L or M...S memang x ah

Hmmm. Istiqamah dalam workout. Kalau boleh tukar sikit jadual makan tu. Makan banyak time pagi. Kurang kan time tengah hari. Malam makan untuk alas perut je. Kalau boleh elakkan terus. Dan banyakkan minum air kosong. In Shaa Allah boleh.

sadly...aku makan x byk..bukan nak kuris sebab aku makan kalau lapar bukan sesaje makan..still membesar...although I do exercise

Chill then. Nak kurus sebab apa?

asal kene makan banyak

Tah. Aku buat camtu jadi kurus. Banyak kan exercise je. Workout sikit. Berat akan turun dengan sendiri.


Language: English