

Ask @AzarHeartnet

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Tanya awak la.

Senang je caranya. Caranya ialah, bersyukur dengan apa yang tuhan kurniakan kepada kita. Bila kita harap muka kita macam muka orang lain itu bermakna kita salahkan ibu bapa kita kerana melahirkan kita. Why? Sebab gene mereka yang menghasilkan rupa kita sekarang.
Liked by: buya nur amalina

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Mcm mana kau handle bila org benci kau for no reason?

IDGAF. Haters gonna hate. Should I answer like that? No i won't. You know when people hates me for any reason or no reason at all, it really bugs me. It'll always in my mind "why did he/she hates me?" "what did I do?" "Did I do something wrong?" "Did I pissed someone off more than I should?" These thought kept me feeling insecure sometimes for days. How do I handle this? I just make normal expression. Do things like I do everyday. Keep all the thoughts to myself. Usually people hates you for something. If they don't have any reason, then it'll be weird. How can you hate someone without reason? But if that do happen, get yourself closer to them. Just make them your friends. When you get closer to them, that hatred will turn into love. Not the lovey dovey love but friendship love. Though I'm actually all talk. When people hate me I fall into depression. And how do I handle depression? I sleep.

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pernah suka mana2 junior dekat mrsm kuantan dulu ?

No. Not really. Despite I'm pretty friendly with my juniors, I don't really feel anything inside.
Liked by: buya

suzuran sparring competition 2014 who will win 1 vs 1 rafiq vs zairi amin vs shuk aiman Faris vs Shae Fido vs Hakim Kay vs Radzi 2 team Razin Topek vs mirul I.E Kembo Kembo vs syak amin Marow Icam vs Kay Fido Shae fattah vs ammar Dauh battle royale: all of the above who will win

Hmmm. The competition is quite tough as they all seems to be evenly match. But I think Rafiq will win the first match. Amin for the second. Shae for the third. Hakim will triumph against Fido. Kay will win I think. I pick Myrol and I.E. The twin has more odds against amin syak. So does Marrow Icam. And for the last is Shae and Fattah. That are my predictions.
Liked by: buya

kalau ammar x cadang nama suzuran...sekarang batch nie nama ape

Kalau ammar tak cadang nama suzuran sekarang ni batch suzuran takde nama.
Liked by: buya


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