

Ask @AzarHeartnet

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If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

Nobody. I wouldn't want anyone to die with me.

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But you wont if you know who am i. :(

Well then sorry. It's hard for me to like someone i don't know.

If you could have dinner with any political figure, dead or alive, who would you pick?

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W

Are you happy with the amount of information in your head?

I'm not. Its like I only use 1byte of space in a 1000terrabyte harddisk.

Betul ke ilyas dah ade gf? Sape?

Tak tahu. And even if i knew, i won't tell you. Tanya dia sendiri kalau nak tahu.

definisi cinta

Suatu perasaan suka akan sesuatu perkara, orang atau perbuatan. Datang tanpa diminta dan sukar dipadamkan. Tidak perlu dimiliki cukup sekadar merasai.

Say good luck to that genius boy insyaallah later in IUB. From the cute anon. thanks azmi zahid.

who's the genius boy?

dalam suzuran kan Sape : hensem cantik pandai pelik baik

Hensem - ilyas
Pelik - ponep
Baik - farha
Pandai - ilyas lagi
Cantik - nadee

i bet every place you went (from primary school to secondary to university life) you got a crush..am i right??? not to mention the girls who fall for you hah

So far I only got 3 crush I think. Not that I feel the same anymore now. I don't know about the last sentence.


Language: English