
Ephraim Green

Ask @Bigfoot69

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After 4 years I still think about my ex daily and still have strong feelings for her, should I contact her or try moving on?

Idk tbh I'm in the same boat and i have moved on but as a friend and someone i spent X amount of time with a part of me would like to hear from her but I'd say move on and if they come back then great if not then cool, some people were only meant to be in your life for a season

Ever wanted to say someone something but couldn't say it???

Of course i feel as though everyone had been nervous from time to time

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Do you think you're often misunderstood?

Often is an understatement but its not misunderstood its more just judged prior to

There is ABSOLUTELY NO need for negative comments about the polyamorous question just because it's not something that u understand or believe in does NOT mean u need to be a jerk and NO it doesn't mean I'm desperate so if u can't be nice keep ur opinions to yourself!!!!

I'm so not understanding this comment ??

If you could open a portal to one fictional world to step through but never be able to return, which fictional world would you choose ?

kalenbr’s Profile Photosincerely, kaitlyn
Fictional world hmmm probably Narnia something about talking animals gives me an excitement in a ruling way like above and below ground a dynasty of epic proportions
Liked by: sincerely, kaitlyn

Can i take you out someday if you'll like

Again idk who you are how about u turn off anonymous and we can see. ??

Ok so lets say you and your so called first love break up..... you guys havent talked in weeks, but you miss him/her so much. Would you call them knowing that they may or may not pick up? Would you call them knowing that you guys ended on a somewhat bad term?

liyahbabiii’s Profile Photol ı y å h ♡
Id reach out regardless

What are your thoughts on an online love?? (Like two people chat online and fall in love) ???

Love, loyalty, respect 3 character traits needed for a relationship which also don't know distance, love can be found anywhere anyway, it could be risky but at the end of the day high risk reaps high rewards

Should people be given a second chance? ?

Of course if you don't give second chances you're a terrible person seeing as how no one is perfect meaning you had to get a second chance somewhere at some point in time why not give someone else that opportunity


Language: English