
Leonardo Alarcon

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im 37 years old.

im 37 years old
+1 answer in: “Spoiler alert 🚨 everyone is full of crap. Literally and figuratively. 🙄 💩 🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🖕💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄🙄🙄💩💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄🙄💩💩🙄💩💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄🙄💩”

Spoiler alert 🚨 everyone is full of crap. Literally and figuratively. 🙄 💩 🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🖕💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄🙄🙄💩💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄🙄💩💩🙄💩💩🙄💩🙄💩🙄🙄💩

Tell me something I don’t know🤗
+1 answer Read more

Name as many states as you can without looking any up

Indiana, Florida, California, Texas, Hawaii, Ohio, Pensilvania, Arizona, New Mexico, North and South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Oregon, Alaska, Illinois, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, North and South Dakota, Michigan, and that’s all I can remember😅

the was intended to be an answer to the question, "what social stigma do we need to get over as a society". i think i accidentally posted it as a question instead

Ohh😮 Hahahah🤣
Liked by: Jaslin_Jarquin
+1 answer in: “The argument could be made that if a female removes her hijab in the United States she would be more "accepted", and i believe she knows that, so if she chooses to wear it here, she shouldn't be judged the same way she would be judged in a society that doesn't want her to have that choice.”

The argument could be made that if a female removes her hijab in the United States she would be more "accepted", and i believe she knows that, so if she chooses to wear it here, she shouldn't be judged the same way she would be judged in a society that doesn't want her to have that choice.

Honey, just use want you want. Don’t let people tell you what you can or can’t use😎
Liked by: Jaslin_Jarquin M
+1 answer Read more

Hola muy buenas tardes .. en esta ocasión voy a asumir que siguen bien y si no es así solo díganlo 🧐😬😄 la preguntas del día de hoy arranca de la siguiente manera. ¿Qué es lo que no te gusta que le gusta a todo el mundo/la mayoría? refiriéndome a comida 🍕🍔🍟🌭🍿

Francoj95’s Profile PhotoFranco Walker
Hola, buenas tardes. No se si ha todo el mundo, pero a mi familia les encanta el maní, cosa que no entiendo porque me parece un as o🤢

Do you remember a time in your life when you was scared to death?

Yep, I was walking home, in my home country, from the school, and this guy came and threatened me to steal everything I had on my backpack, which was nothing important actually, and at the end he let me go. Thanks goodness because I had heard they kill you if they don’t get anything.


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