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Do you ever cringe at your old pics b/c of the past trends? I can't be the only one who looks at old photos of themselves and gags at the style, like the eagle wings eyebrows trend.. ew, what was I thinking Someone must have drilled it into my head to make me commit such cr*mes against my eyebrows

I didn’t participate in any trends except for the time I’d frequently use the dog filter on Snapchat years ago but that hasn’t stopped me from cringing while looking at the old pics I’ve taken.

Marriage is scary what if____

- he considers street food unhealthy 🚩
- he thinks ASMR videos are creepy 🚩
- he doesn't react/reply to every single message in the chat box 🚩
- he believes in just watching reels, not exchanging them 🚩
- he uses Snapchat 🚩
- he doesn't let me drive his car, provided how expertly I drive 🚩
- he thinks I'm a red flag 🚩
- he comes when I'm almost dead from all the waiting. 🚩
Damn. That's a lot of expectations. But still, a girl is allowed to wish. 😌

Why do think this platform is good or bad than the other social media platforms?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I think this platform is better than other social media platforms because you can be more authentic on here by sharing your thoughts/feelings. On other platforms like Snapchat or Instagram, people tend to mainly share their happy moments (which can be deceiving) and those apps are more for posting pictures whereas you can post pictures and write on here. People complain about anonymous users bullying them on here but I don’t even consider disrespectful individuals who can’t even show their profile as bullying but rather immature and not to be taken seriously. Don’t get me wrong tho, I do love the anonymous feature since I like asking questions without being known, especially in times when I don’t always want the attention to be on me. I’m more insecure when it comes to posting on other social media platforms whereas on this one, I don’t worry about being negatively judged. This platform helped me make friends when I didn’t have any other way to make new friends and so far, I have had mainly good experiences on here.

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Do you have a funny memory from middle school or high school to share?

mierplas_’s Profile PhotoMierPlas
I remember trying to buy a juul from this guy because he was selling it and we went to the same high school so I decided to respond to his Snapchat story and negotiate with him on when I could get it but knowing his friend scammed me, I didn’t trust him. I texted him for a while and then started complimenting his smile and went off track. He then asked me if I wanted it or not and I said no due to having trust issues and thinking he’ll scam me too. I then asked him if he was mad at me to which he didn’t reply and left me on read because he was so done with me. I kind of felt bad about wasting his time and missing the opportunity to possibly buy a juul from him but another guy that seemed nice and trustworthy said he had one for me and I finally got it. Unfortunately, my younger brother got mad at me and threw away my juul one day so I don’t have it anymore but it’s good that I never got addicted to nicotine so it wasn’t a huge deal.

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Did you ever have birthday blues? 🤷🏻

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Yeah, especially when I feel as if I wasted my previous years and when I don’t have anyone to celebrate my birthday with. I felt that way a few years ago and couldn’t believe I was a year older but barely had anyone who wished me a happy birthday. I was surprised when this guy that I recently added back as a friend on Snapchat at the time wished me a happy birthday since we weren’t even that close, which made me cry because it meant a lot to me at the time.

Have you ever regretted being kind to someone? Why or why not?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Yes but only because they did me wrong. Someone in high school tried to help me with my anxiety in class and I genuinely thought they were nice but the year after that, we didn’t have any classes together. When I reached out to them a year later by replying to their Snapchat story and telling them that if they ever needed anything I’d always be there for them,
I got blocked. I was kind and didn’t think they’d do that so I felt hurt and didn’t understand why they did that and the only possibility I could think of was that they wanted to hurt me. Also, the friends that I’d reach out to every once in a while unfollowing me on Instagram and never once reaching out to me made me feel like I was wasting my time in the past (when I use to have conversations with them) so I wondered if being nice wasn’t enough to keep them around.

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I’m deleting this account you people are too comfortable on anonymous

asksunjana’s Profile PhotoSEvfjybc
I suggest blocking OMZ, don't answer f*tishes and don't give out your personal social media accounts to anyone on here. Last thing you want is people asking you for inappropriate images on snapchat or whatever you use

One question anybody pls answer do yaw get tried on instagram and Facebook and Snapchat and seeing others in relationships and in love if you do pls tell me cause I’m tried of everybody who in relationship now I think they should keep it off the internet cause don’t nobody wanna see em

I not have Instagram anymore (I been 10 years in Instagram,but delete). I'm delete him in January. I not have Snapchat.

Can social media apps be responsible for ruining romantic relationships?

Ab1rapper963’s Profile Photoعبدالسلام
I don’t think it would be fair to entirely blame social media for ruining relationships since it’s mainly up to individuals themselves to save their relationships and try to make it last. If jealousy over ones partner following the opposite gender on social media is the reason for the breakup, I think that’s a shallow reason unless cheating was involved or the partner wouldn’t stop talking about the person they happen to follow on social media. If it’s jealousy over them having guy/girl friends on Snapchat and chatting with them every once in a while (or frequently), then it’s best to work on ones jealousy issues and ask themselves if they truly trust their partner. In a relationship, trust is everything and if it’s not there, then it’s quite pointless to continue the relationship since it’s hard to love without trust. If one trusts their partner but they have evidence of their partner being unfaithful, then that’s a different story. At the end of the day, it all comes down to whether or not both partners love, trust, and respect each other enough to give each other space but also feel secure in their relationship at the same time.

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How to ask someone for marriage ?

We've been vibing hard, and I’m hella down for you. Like, you’re my ride or die, my main squeeze, my #WCW every single day. I'm legit obsessed with our TikTok dances and Netflix binge sessions. So, let's make it official, no cap. Will you be my forever boo and make this Snapchat streak go eternal? Swipe right on this proposal and say yes. Let's get lit together, fam!
Wifey material, 100%.💍💯🔥

I understand that you really like them but are you sure they are not just using you for your money?

I’m sure no one is using me for money considering the people I talk to online usually don’t ask for money except for 1 person who was being a catfish and tried to get me to send him money as soon as I added him on Snapchat while he was posing as a girl.

What would you do if you fell in love with someone who doesn't even like you?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
I’ve been through this since the first guy that I’ve ever liked and fell in love with didn’t even consider me a friend and would tell others that he didn’t know me when they’d ask about me to him. I knew he liked someone else at the time we started speaking to each other but I still had hope that he’d be interested in me and it made me even more hopeful when he’d ask questions like, “Would you ever date me?”. He’s made it clear that he didn’t like me when he got his best friend involved and told him to talk to me (more like interrogate me) and then told me that he didn’t like me romantically. We later started drifting apart and when I downloaded Snapchat and added him as a friend, I got blocked shortly afterwards for taking a screenshot of his Snapchat story. Years later, I decided to reach out to him on his new account on Snapchat and when I thought we were doing streaks on his new account (since he sent me random snaps), I decided to send a selfie and he clearly thought I was hitting on him so he removed me as a friend. The thing is, I was just looking for a friendship due to talking to him in the past but he just couldn’t get over the fact that I liked him at one point and was obviously looking for an excuse to get rid of me. I’ve now understood that I’ll only be disappointed and have my feelings hurt the more I try talking to him so I’ve let him go because I didn’t have any other choice.

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How long have you been using social media for and how has your relationship with it evolved over the years?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I’ve been using social media for about 7 years now and at first, I wasn’t sure about how to use social media so I posted the most random things I’d do like drinking tea or the flowers I’d come across (without including myself in the photos due to feeling insecure about my looks). On Snapchat, I’d feel confident enough to send photos of myself to my high school peers. Those peers would take screenshots of the photos I’d send them and would later send those screenshots to their friends who would then confront me and tell me to stop sending “their friends” pictures on Snapchat. The pictures weren’t even inappropriate, they were just selfies so I didn’t understand what was so wrong about sending them random selfies and after that experience, I kept to myself and would only send snaps to those I was close to at the time. I learned to keep my distance online and am now more cautious about sending messages due to being blocked in the past as soon as I’d reach out to some of my peers, worrying that others would easily block me as well.

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Have you ever been blocked by multiple people in a day? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
No, but I have been blocked by some of my peers from high school without even giving them a good reason to do that. I remember telling this girl who tried helping me with my social anxiety sophomore year of high school that I’ll always be there for her if she ever needs anything, she ended up blocking me afterwards. I reached out by asking a question about her Snapchat story post and didn’t even harass her or do anything that I recall worthy of being blocked for but that’s what ended up happening. Another time, I reached out to a guy from my high school on Snapchat to ask him a question about another girl that he happened to be close to so I could get in touch with her and he immediately blocked me without even reading the message I sent. My other peers haven’t blocked me online but when I request to follow them on Instagram, they usually leave me on requested. As you can tell, it’s clear that my peers didn’t think too fondly of me and the door for the start of a friendship was closed from the start.

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Was sind für dich Red Flags?

KrisIsaak’s Profile PhotoKrapakris
•Nur auf Snapchat schreiben
•Unregelmäßiger Kontakt
•Nur abends/nachts schreiben
•Keine Zeit für mich nehmen
•Wenn Taten nicht mit Worten übereinstimmen
•Von Anfang an zu anzüglich sein
•Mehrere gleichzeitig am Start haben
•Viel feiern gehen
Könnte jetzt unendlich so weiter machen, aber hier sind mal ein paar

Only you can answer this question. Disadvantages of being attractive? 🌚

saadniazi61’s Profile PhotoSAAD NIAZI.
1. You get A LOT OF Instagram msgs
2. You get A LOT OF Snapchat "added you''
3. People stare you a lot
4. There are always boys eyes 👀 glancing you
5. Somewhere someone fights with another boy for you, and you don't even know that lol
6. This one is VERY DISADVANTAGED. Everyone thinks that you have a boyfriend 😭 thus no one proposes you
7. People think they will be rejected because you are "too good" or beyond their level.
8. People think you show off
9. People don't believe that you are real. They think you just "make up" about your aunthiencity because if someone is beautiful, usually she should be in pride.

Whenever there's a knitting scene in a movie or series, it's absolutely ridiculous how they don't actually knit, just moving their hands. Can't the actors at least learn the basic garter stitch? Now I know it ain't that deep but as someone who enjoys knitting, I take it personally 😂

I used to knit in the past and it’s really not that hard imo but true, it would make more sense for the actors/actresses to either not move their hands or actually knit properly. I remember when I used to post myself knitting on Snapchat and someone unadding me as a friend afterwards. I guess they just couldn’t handle seeing me knit better than them 😂

Unpopular opinion: people who use snapchat are a red flag. 🚩🚩 agree or not? 😂

Nah beta realest and biggest red flag is a person who doesn't have a good relationship with his/her mom.
If they can't understand, respect or acknowledge the love of the person who brought them in the world and made all the sacrifices for them, how are you ever gonna receive any goodness from them? کنارہ کر لیا جائے۔

How you people cope with exam stress

• Switch off all the lights, walk and talk to yourself for 10 minutes. I read it somewhere that talking to yourself boosts your confidence.
• Use that study technique where you study for like 25 minutes and take a 5-7 minutes break in between. Dance, exercise, make coffee (preferably iced coffee), listen to music while walking or as I mentioned earlier, talk to yourself [note: spend your breaks in darkness to give your eyes a bit rest]
• Sometimes, when I get too sleepy, I open Snapchat and start explaining my syllabus to myself with that big mouth filter on. As weird as that sounds, it helps.
• Also, get a bit ready (put some jewellery on, put some lipstick)(if you're a guy, then I don't know)(this boosts your confidence too).
Good luck!

Were y'all allowed to record videos and post them on social media when you were in school? Did your school have some rules against it?

People in my school would record me without my consent and would post them on Snapchat (most likely) so yes, everyone was allowed to record videos in classrooms unless it was in the middle of the class when the teacher was teaching. How did I know I was being recorded? Well… people would point their phones in my direction whenever I was in an embarrassing situation or laugh while obviously recording me. Many of my peers didn’t add me back on Snapchat so I didn’t see those videos myself but they made it quite obvious when they’d record me.

Widzę że Ask'fm wymarł całkowicie Jak myślicie, Kolejny będzie Snapchat? :D

Szlachta998’s Profile PhotoThomas_Nieznasz
Nie wymarl całkowicie. Wciąż są tu osoby, które się udzielają i jest ich trochę, chociaż nie ukrywam, że ten portal najlepsze lata ma już dawno za sobą i nie przyciąga nowych użytkowników. Ci, którzy się udzielają, to głównie tacy weterani - użytkownicy, którzy są tu już wiele lat. Wchodzą tutaj z sentymentu, albo innego powodu, który ich tutaj trzyma.

Why do ya’ll post photos online constantly? You really need validation from strangers online? Like what makes you think strangers wanna see that crap?

Why does it bother you so much? How is it any different to posting photos on Snapchat? It’s ok to want to share your photos, it’s ok to post them online, if that’s what you wanna do, not everyone wants to use a physical photo album. Not everyone wants strangers looking at their photos, hence why a lot of us are private. Don’t be so negative & close minded.

Widzę że Ask'fm wymarł całkowicie Jak myślicie, Kolejny będzie Snapchat? :D

Szlachta998’s Profile PhotoThomas_Nieznasz
Ask się trochę zmienił, nie jest tak samo jak kiedyś, i nie każdemu chce się tu wchodzić, zostać na dłużej.
Sama myślałam o odejściu, aczkolwiek bo większym przemyśleniu postanowiłam nie dać tej satysfakcji niektórym osobom ..🌼
Widzę że Askfm wymarł całkowicie
Jak myślicie Kolejny będzie Snapchat D

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