@DovahMonah#52 🇬🇧


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SeanShaggyDunn’s Profile Photo

Latest answers from DovahMonah

How do you feel about paying for public toilets?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
I don't really mind as long as the toilet is clean and fully stocked, bit if it's not then I'm miffed 😂

If I'm making any mistakes in English please don't correct me. Idgaf, I have no respect for this language, my ancestors who were colonised were forced to speak it ❤️

They said, in perfect English

Do you think putting a picture of respective genitals on the doors instead of Man/Woman would solve the trans-bathroom war?

No, the situation is complex and nuanced, there is no quick and easy fix

Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world

😂 I've always found that bizarre

Language: English