
Eman Nabil

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Latest answers from Eman Nabil

Which rules are made to be broken?

A senior author and editor once told me that writing rules are meant to be mastered well enough to be broken just the right way.

Where do you envision yourself living in the future?

In a one bedroom apartment in a hustling city with my 4 cats
Ah, how ideal 🥰

What will you do if someone accuse you/ your brother/ father of raping without any proof? That person not just accuse but make a long ass fake thread on how that person was a rape victim and people started to believe them.

If you really didn't do it, if you're innocent and it's one of the very few cases of false accusations, you gotta stand up to yourself and demand your accuser to either present proof or you'll sue and then you guys will have to take this issue to the court. Don't let anyone accuse you of something you didn't do.
However -because I don't know you and I can't trust you, I'm sorry- if this anonymous question of yours is meant to gaslight an actual rape victim, may she be related to you or not or even accusing you or someone else, you better back off now.

What do you think of "love letter" in this modern era? Has it lost its meaning or not yet?

Things gain more meaning the more they lose popularity, and love letters or hand written letters in general do fall in this category; they've become much more precious.

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?

The useless one and only "Irregardless", of course.

إذا شخص مش نشط على الانستغرام و عملته لايك على منشور لحتى تلفت انتباه و هالشخص اكتفى يزيد عدد الFollwing شو قصده من هالحركة؟

مش فاهمة اوي ايه المقصود من السؤال، بس لو هو مبيفتحش كتير و عملت like و say انك لفتت انتباهه و وصلته notification، هو المفروض يعمل ايه مثلا؟ مهو هيشوفها و خلاص، مش فاهمة ايه الحركة اللي عايز تفهمها 🤷🏻‍♀️

متى يكون الالم جميل....؟؟!!

الألم مستحيل يكون جميل
Don't you ever romanticize pain

Language: English