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Sad Depressed generation with fake happy pictures 🖼️

ZeeshanAwan830’s Profile PhotoEqullibrium ⇌ذیشان
People have complicated the term "happiness" by making it seem extraordinary and rare. We wait for big events to happen before we allow ourselves to be happy, which raises our criteria for happiness. Without something significant, we tend to complain about life and its issues. Let's change that. Create your own happiness. How?
The first drop of rain hitting your face, and that tickle turning a stagnant expression into a genuine smile, is a path to a fresh and happy you. Why does a long drive change your mood? Why not stand under the rain? Just imagine how a fresh drop falls from the sky, knowing exactly where it needs to land, on you! Isn't that something extraordinary and fascinating?
That one cup of tea you made for yourself, and as you look out the window, whatever the view may be, you can absorb positivity from nature or from kids playing in the street. Feeding birds or animals can bring you unimaginable peace too.
There are countless ways to find happiness. You just need to discover them around you.

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what advice will you give to younger people?

asweirdasme’s Profile PhotoUSMAN
Advice to people of any age:
The words "Shia" or "Sunni" are not mentioned in the Quran. They have no existence in it. The Quran, in Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 103, says:
"Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided."
Allah, in Surah Al-An'am, Ayah 159, says:
"O Prophet! Those who divided their religion and became sects, you have no part in them in the least. Their affair is with Allah, who will tell them what they used to do."
Thus, creating sects within Islam is prohibited. Anyone who creates sects is moving away from the Quran and Sunnah. The Quran instructs:
"Obey Allah and obey the Messenger."
To be a Muslim, one must simply obey Allah and follow the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Moreover, do not feel superior to any other Muslim or any human based on caste or sect, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) stated in his final sermon:
"All humankind is from Adam, and no Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; none have superiority over another except by piety and good action."
The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us humility. If you feel superior to another Muslim or human, you deviate from the righteous path and become a follower of Satan, who was the first to say, "I am better than him" (Quran, Surah Al-A'raf, Ayah 12).
Furthermore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said about arrogance:
"He who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of arrogance will not enter Paradise." (Sahih Muslim)
Therefore, as Muslims, we need to focus on our faith and deeds and stop declaring others as 'disbelievers' based on their sect while considering ourselves as 'believers.' Unknowingly, we are wasting our good deeds and causing division, which is prohibited in our religion. May Allah guide us all on the straight path. Ameen.

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Stress sy Kesy nekla jay ....?

At times, we feel stuck, literally unable to move in any direction, and it consumes us. Anxiety overwhelms any positive thoughts and drags us through peculiarities. What to do at this point? Change! Bring that change.
Exercise is one of the best ways to combat negative thoughts.
Sweat ∝ Feeling Relaxed.
Start with a concentrated morning ritual: drink water, eat something healthy, and go for a meditation session in the fresh air. That inhale-to-exhale shift with closed eyes will allow peace to flow through your veins. After opening your eyes, you will feel more vigilant and energetic to start your day.
Still feeling anxious? Here’s a personal trick to overcome it: start doing choreography. It’s one of the best ways to feel happy, and you can later flaunt your moves at wedding events. 😉

💕 Назови: 5 вещей без которых ты не сможешь; 4 Странички на которые заходишь чаще всего; 3 песни которые напоминают лето; 2 фразы которые говоришь чаще всего; 1 человека без которого твоя жизнь не имела бы смысла!💕

leraimn’s Profile PhotoВалерия
1. Воздух, еда, вода, смех, музыка
2 Если тут и только 4, то @Nas_urevna , @HelenaKarev , @sunshinebabyboo , @burdilo15
3. Которые напоминают лето?🤔 Я впринципе любитель металлкора и там сложно разделить их на времена года😂 Так что просто выделю 3 композиции: Shokran - Khonsu, Falling in Reverse - Ronald и Bad Omens - The Death of peace of mind.
2. На этот вопрос затрудняюсь ответить😅
1. Та, которая недавно интересовалась моей группой крови😂😂😂

I really miss talking to you again, you are a person who causes me a lot of peace, tenderness, sweetness, docility and above all a lot of affection, you are such a charming, beautiful, educated and adorable young Muslim woman.🌹❤️🤲🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼.

josejesusclrdz’s Profile PhotoEquesTemplar⚔️
Hola jo .. !! .. I miss talking to you too my dear friend .. !! .. Thank you so much for your kind words .. I really can't find the right words to respond to all this kindness and gentlness you always shown to me .. !! .. Lots of flowers and butterflies for you ..!! ..🖤🦋🌻

اكتب لشخصٍ ما دون ذكر هويته :

Dr_Cancer’s Profile PhotoEmad
I sometimes want to show this whole world that somebody like you does really exist. Because I was lost thinking I will never meet somebody as honest and compassionate as you.. I thought you were only an idea in my head, didn't believe there was actually.. someone like you!
But you showed up when I was about to lose my faith.. It was like finding a lost piece of me.. I was embraced by the softness of your heart.. My first safe place ever..
Then you showed me your wounds, didn't imagine I would find peace in them too.. Honestly.. how generous were you! to give me what others didn't give, and won't and don't have in the first place.. But you? You had it all and didn't hesitate even a bit.. to let me in.. How brave were you..
You saw me.. You saw my true self. Nobody else could see me as you did despite of how obvious I am.. You really know me.. I'm that familiar to you cause we were connected way before we realized.. and it made me happy.. being exposed to you..
I can't forget what my life was like without you.. After all, you were the answer to my prayers, a sign of god mercy. And I can't be more grateful to god, who brought you to me.
Ahh now I feel so inspired to write a story.. about the first hand that dared to touch me.

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Liked by: Emad مَهدي Ioη

My whole mindset has changed. I don’t even have the energy to do certain things or to be around certain people anymore. I’m at that point in my life now where if something feels like it’s draining my energy or fighting with my peace of mind. I can’t get over from these things.

Aliya76089’s Profile PhotoLuna
So, let consider we all are manufactured with a ticking time bomb.
The pace of ticking is same at time of birth, but the situations, people, surrounding, atmosphere and other factors effect the pace of ticking.
Lets say the good things and good times make the pace go slower, and the bad people make the pace go crazy.
So, be very very careful if you let people around you access and permission to turn the thing upside down, inside you - YOU ARE GONE.
Be patient, either ignore or digest, buring calories just to feel heard, understood and wanted is stupid.

What's one book or movie that has profoundly impacted your view of the world? ✨

FiaSaif’s Profile PhotoM.
You placed me in a bad corner.
I have so many to choose from but here are my top three picks (all of them are fictional but there is a lesson from the stories)
1) Berserk - the lesson from this book is to improve yourself physically as a man. Not only that, it also teaches you that even the closest person can stab you.
2) Attack on Titan, there’s no peace without war. I will keep it that way.
3) The Alchemist, you will always be a seeker of something in life. Could be love, could be wealth, also could be to feed your curiosity. You’re always a slave and a seeker in life.

Why do you push people away?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
Sometimes pushing people away becomes crucial for your own peace. Certainly everyone we met do not deserve to hold a place in our inner circle.
Nietzsche writes in "Beyond Good and Evil": "The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
Why do you push people away

where to buy unlimited mental peace ?

herpov’s Profile Photothe woman
Just read Quran with extreme focus. Synchronized thoughts between heart n brain can lead you to create an image of world scenario. You can call anyone through your brain, track every movement whether of electron/proton/photon or giant aircraft. Your brain can work like sonar, lidar and tracking radar, it can match with a whole lot of varieties of electromagnetic spectrum for e.g., frequencies of light from stars, underwater phenomena etc. Why are you keen on proving yourself disabled when we got the Holy Scripture? Have faith in Allah, He can guide you well. Curse everyone who needs to be cursed. If we all had true faith in Quran we could kill all infidels without firing a bullet. Know the muajizaat you'll get surprised.
Liked by: Abdullah Basit Micro.

My whole mindset has changed. I don’t even have the energy to do certain things or to be around certain people anymore. I’m at that point in my life now where if something feels like it’s draining my energy or fighting with my peace of mind. I can’t get over from these things.

Aliya76089’s Profile PhotoLuna
Is there someone for you that you may call your safe place? It must be tiring for you to go through this all alone.
You can vent out, I'm all ears to you, Aliya.💕

Hello. And you know that this account @Jack22288 is a fake and a cosplay of me. You see that there is not a single real photo

jack22226436’s Profile Photo@Jack22288
Stop accusing Jack because he looks ugly, stop chasing him, Jack wants to live in peace, I believe him because I like Jack and his profile is fake because it has few questions and answers. Stop being a bad person with Jack 😡😡😡

What was the best decision of your life?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
At a very young age, I’ve realised that there is a World Beyond Marriage, which is the World of Financial Independence, i strived for it and I snatched my rights. Today when i look back and think i was relentlessly working hard to make myself the man i want, it gives me peace cuz i see my fellow women still finding theirs.
What was the best decision of your life

Can a person achieve a state of contentment while still experiencing occasional deep sadness?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
Contentment doesn't mean the absence of sadness or other negative emotions.
It's more about having a general sense of satisfaction and peace with life.
Occasional deep sadness is a natural part of the human experience and can coexist with an overall contented life.
Balancing emotions and accepting that both highs and lows are part of life is key to true contentment.
Can a person achieve a state of contentment while still experiencing occasional

My whole mindset has changed. I don’t even have the energy to do certain things or to be around certain people anymore. I’m at that point in my life now where if something feels like it’s draining my energy or fighting with my peace of mind. I can’t get over from these things.

Aliya76089’s Profile PhotoLuna
well thats your decision to maek entirely, You can't be around such people. If you don't find someone like minded then ejnoy your own company

My whole mindset has changed. I don’t even have the energy to do certain things or to be around certain people anymore. I’m at that point in my life now where if something feels like it’s draining my energy or fighting with my peace of mind. I can’t get over from these things.

Aliya76089’s Profile PhotoLuna
Take some time off from your normal routine and be alone for a while. Work out your thoughts and feelings. You will eventually get back to your old self

My whole mindset has changed. I don’t even have the energy to do certain things or to be around certain people anymore. I’m at that point in my life now where if something feels like it’s draining my energy or fighting with my peace of mind. I can’t get over from these things.

Aliya76089’s Profile PhotoLuna
Yes. At certain age it gets like that and your social circle n comfort zone shrinks to limited people and activities only.

Have you ever had a lot of money? What did you spend them on?

I am about to get a “huge” heritage of 5 million euros from a dying lady in Nigeria. It has been a bumpy road, but I can almost taste them now. So close.
First, I had to pay my lawyer for his trip here. Unfortunately, the authorities arrested him at the airport for attempting to launder money, so I had to bribe them.
After that, when he got out of prison, he got kidnapped. So I had to save his ass once again. Poor guy. Lawyer Saul Goodman, the guy from “Breaking Bad,” for god’s sake. I love that series.
But those kidnappers were the nicest people you could find. They told me I could keep the bag with the 5 million euros if I only paid them a few thousand euros for a new AC. Their hostages had been complaining about the dry air there. The bargain of my fucking life. They told me they knew how it was to live without money. You know you are poor when people in fucking Africa want to give you money. A big fucking shout-out to them. If you want to be kidnapped, contact those guys.
Anyway. When they released Mr. Goodman, he had to go to the hospital after suffering from a heart attack. Yeah, I cried too. I asked his doctor if there was anything I could do, and he told me that there was, actually.
They had to bring in an experienced cardiologist from abroad, so it cost extra to get him there. Otherwise, there was an 80% chance that Mr. Goodman could die.
Well, so I paid for his salary and flight. And since he hated to fly, I paid extra for a first-class ticket. It was a serious surgery, so the doctor couldn’t stress enough how important it was that this guy felt relaxed. Luckily, this doctor knew of a magnificent hotel. Like the doctor asked me:
“What is money compared to the inner peace of saving someone’s life?”
Shout out to Dr. Frankenstein's monster as well. I’m sorry. Dr. Frankenstein's cousin. I thought he said, “Dr. Frankenstein,” but only an idiot would have believed that. Didn’t Dracula kill him a long time ago? No offence to stupid people, but I feel sorry for you.
Now, he is on vacation—it’s a doctor’s order. I have paid for a few relaxing weeks on the Samoan Islands, and whenever he feels cured, he will deliver my money.
All this cost me a shitload of money, so I had to sell my house. But since I don’t own a house, I sold my friends' house. Oh, boy, they will be in for a surprise when they return from vacation. They think I’m watering their flowers. I did. Until I sent them to the hospital in Nigeria with a “get well soon” card for Mr. Goodman. There is no need to panic. I will repurchase it when he arrives here with my money.
Before publishing this, I got a message from Mr. Goodman: Unfortunately, he and his luggage went on different flights.
But coincidentally, he lives at the same hotel as Ace Ventura’s older brother, Big Case Ventura, and his nephew,Trace Ventura. I must leave because I need to pay for their flight to Paris.
Thankfully, I will get all the money back again when they sue the airport.

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Have you ever had a lot of money What did you spend them on

Mieszkanie z rodzicami w wieku do 25 lat jest dla was czymś dziwnym czy raczej nie? Czy według was osoba,która dalej mieszka z rodzicami jest słabo ogarnięta życiowo czy może jest rozsądna ( mowa o tych,którzy czekają na stałą umowę w pracy aby mieć pewność finansową bądź oszczędzają w razie w)?

Marlenncia11’s Profile PhotoKillerQueen
Czasy się zmieniły, kiedyś wynajem mieszkania był groszową sprawą w porównaniu do zarobków. Sprawa zakupu też była zdecydowanie bardziej ciekawa.
W ostatnich latach i biorąc pod uwagę to jakie są kombinacje, żeby na tym zarabiać to ceny tak wybiły w kosmos, że szkoda komuś pchać taki szmal.
Nory w patokamienicach 25m kwadratowych za 4k miesięcznie bo i tak mogą upchać 5cioro gości zza wschodniej granicy, a popyt jest. Patodeweloperka jak na Ursusie, gdzie stoją bloki w środku pól z drogami dojazdowymi godnymi małej wsi. Zagęszczenie jak w kurniku w chowie klatkowym i te mieszkania za pół bani wzwyż xD Koszty kredytów tak wyżyłowane, że zwraca się blisko 2x to co się wzięło, a często lepiej.
Jak ktoś jest zdany na siebie i nie jest "stojak" z urodzenia to to że mieszka w domu rodzinnym nieco dłużej niż wypada jest całkiem zrozumiałe i nie dokuczam nikomu z tego powodu.
Sam defekuję na rynek nieruchomości i kredyty. Opóźnia się to u mnie, ze względu na to, że chcę coś swojego za gotówkę. Peace.

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Mujay rona ata hai lkn roya nhi jata. Har waqt ghutan hoti hai apnay ap say. Mentally i am in peace lkn aisa lagta hai jesay kisi cheez ki kami hai. Samjh nhi ata kya hai aisa. Har kisi say nafrat honay lagti hai. Akelay b nhi raha jata. Mujy kisi ki zarurat b hai lkn bardasht b ni kr sakti.

Find a work to do. Koi kaam.dhanda kro. Char pese kamao.
Zindagi me koi khwab to hoga? Jo ankhon se bara ho? Us ko jaiz tareekay se hasil krny k liey mehnat kro,
Nahin ha to cooking seekho, baking seekho, knitting seekho, pilot bno, yaa scuba diving kro, karate seekho, art seekho, kuch be naya seekho..
Weli bethi raho gi dimagh khali rahy ga to ulti seedhi sujhata bhujata rahy ga.
Zindagi me roz subhaa jagny k liey koi waja hna zaroori hai.

I wanna be someone's first choice

Why does being someone's first choice really matter? What is it that we seek from others which we cannot provide for ourselves? This senseless and unrelenting desire is what leads to our undoing. Your heart will never stop wanting because that's all you've conditioned it to do. You'll find no peace but the one you make for yourself.

where to buy unlimited mental peace ?

herpov’s Profile Photothe woman
I don't know if there's any such thing as complete or unlimited mental peace. I think there's no such thing in this world, there will always be something to take away your peace but I have a feeling that closest you can get to peace is when you have nothing, absolutely nothing. Nothing to lose, no one to lose and absolutely nothing to gain I think that's when you might be able to feel some peace, in complete isolation and abandonment.
Ps. Don't take my words on this, I have ADHD, we never find peace anyway.

I shouldn't have tell her that i like her:)

Liking isnt an issue.
Making them think and realise you can't do anything about their shitty behaviour is.
I like so many people yet that doesnt mean they have the permit to ruin my peace and mental health.
Liking is connected to my heart, so i may laugh a little more on their jokes.
But once i see them crawling up on my brain to snatch my peace i can easily shove up that liking in their holes.
Learn to tackle humans on their qualities not imaginary status your hearts gives them. 😇

Before the day I met you, life was so unkind. You’re the key to my peace of mind.

xlightofhopex’s Profile Photo⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ♕ : TATIANA ♡
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✝
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Sweety.⠀⠀♡⠀ ❜
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ────────────────────────
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ᴵ ʷᵃˢ ᵇᵒʳⁿ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵗʰᵉ ᵃˢʰᵉˢ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵃ ᵖʰᵒᵉⁿⁱˣ. ᴮᵘᵗ ᴵ'ᵐ ᵃˡⁱᵛᵉ.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ᴵ'ˡˡ ᶜᵒⁿᵗⁱⁿᵘᵉ ᵐʸ ᶠᵃᵗʰᵉʳ'ˢ ˡᵉᵍᵃᶜʸ ᵘⁿᵗⁱˡ ᵗʰᵉ ᵉⁿᵈ ᵒᶠ ᵐʸ ᵈᵃʸˢ.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀──────────────────── CRUVL
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ https://jpst.it/3Oolh
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ حب .
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Before the day I met you life was so unkind Youre the key to my peace of mind

What do you miss about your childhood?

Omniahaleem’s Profile PhotoOmnia ™
I miss living in peace, facing so many tragedies when I was young when I could bear and absorb all that.
I always ate and slept to forget what happened, I lost my father and my brother. After that, I realized the meanings of death and nostalgia, as I only remember from childhood everything painful and unable to comprehend it, so that I am unable to confront myself with what happened to me.

What type of a person do you aspire to become?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
A soft person who would not let the cruelty of other people to make her bitter but strong enough to not put up with disrespect and wise enough to know when to be kind and when to create boundaries and protect your own peace. But most importantly, I aspire to become a kind of person who makes lives of others easy. 🌸

there are millions of smiles, but yours is my favorite. ❤️

waleedelsayed20’s Profile PhotoWaleed Elsayed
🤣🤣🤣🤣 My my my! What flattery! Did you send this to every girl on Ask? 🤣🤣 Careful friend! Where do you find these compliments? Surely you’re writing a book. Have you heard this quote? You can add it in there. 😉 “Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you.” ~Peace Pilgrim~
there are millions of smiles but yours is my favorite

Post something worth reading.

Okay. Goiyz. So it was lovely using ask. It's definitely been a beautiful journey but sadly you guys just don't value me as much. Hope y'all get picked up by someone who pays you for the new month shopping as well. Peace ✌️🕊️
Post something worth reading

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