
{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}

Latest answers from {͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}

Yeah of course! We have a lot in common. And we both have a problem kid! Nix is a real pain.. *she sighs* Plus you also like strawberry donuts like I do! *dumb plus dumb equals more dumb lol poor geno is outnumbered by stupid people*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
W-well..*Reaper blushes slightly as he rubs the back of his skull* I guess we do have a lot in common.. Nix is as bad as Goth.. and you have to admit strawberry donuts are better than the other ones, they're the most sweet!
*Geno: I'm surrounded by idiots!
Opal: -chewing on a frying pan- You said wot?
Geno: -eye twitching- Is there anyone here that isn't stupid!?
Shadow: -banging his head on a wall- Vio said to think harder so I'm smashing my brain on a wall!
-Geno then looks past Shadow to see Error pouring gasoline on himself and setting himself on fire-
Geno: ...Oh stars the stupid is SPREADING! EVEN I'M STUPID!
Syrup: If I eventually turn into THAT -points at Error- I don't want to be on this planet anymore! -yeets himself into a volcano-
Geno: I'm going with you! -leaps after Syrup but they both end up surviving the lava and just stare at eachother before hugging eachother-

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Haha I don't think so. Well at least the containers are intact mostly.*she picks everything up putting the unbroken box of donuts on the nightstand* You're my best friend of course I want to spend time with you. I just have to be careful you don't accidentally k!ll me. *She winks*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*Reaper nervously rubs the back of his skull* Well, at you don't gotta..recycle now? I think that's what it's called.. I heard Gothy talk about recycling.. *he pauses when he hears Neo call him her best friend, he then pulls up his hood to look at Neo with wide sockets* ..Best ..friend?
*Reaper: -staring at a light socket- What's this?
Neo: That's a light socket where electricity comes fro--
-Reaper then shoves his scythe into the light socket and gets electrocuted XD- ittz SHOCKEZ MEEz!
Geno: -throws a pair of toy keys into the oven-
Neo: SHINY!! -leaps into the oven and gets baked into a pie- nvm I'm dumb too..
Geno: I swear if another idiot shows up I'm punching them in the face!
Majima: -appears from nowhere- HELLO! :D
-Geno then falcon PUNCHES majima in the face XD- *

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*Neo holds two bags of food one on each arm* I'm sure Geno is okay he's a tough guy! I can keep you company till he returns.

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
You willingly want to keep Death company? And I thought Geno was the biggest masochist here *Reaper winks before attempting to help Neo with her bags..only for his Death touch to completely obliterate one of the bags with everything in the bag dropping to the floor, the Death God then yanks down his hood over his skull over sheer embarrassment* Uh.. I guess it's called "take out" for a reason, right?

*there's a knock on his bedroom door and he recognized the voice of his little friend.* Reaper? It's Neo I brought coffee, donuts and something from Grillby for Geno can I come in?

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*Aw**Reaper then walks over to open the door for the smol, just ignore the fact he's wearing bunny ears xD he never took them off*
Um..t-thanks? I uh.. think it's alright you come in, but..Geno is sorta..not here right now..and I'm trying not to panic *Neo: If Ty was a yandere like you, I would have ditched his butt years ago XD*

You'd help me? *Salem seems surprised*

SpookyWeirdo’s Profile PhotoSalem
Heh ..what else does Death have to do besides waiting around for..well..Death? I have plenty of time to kiII.. Just make sure not to get too close or I might end up sending you into a early grave

That works she hates me Life called me an abomination after all. *She huffs* Some moss would be great! *Tail wags*

ToManyDamnIrkens’s Profile Photoฬєภ๔ץ Շђє ฬєภ๔เﻮ๏
Well..you did kinda..rub her the wrong way with the talk about needing to eat humans..she is..literal Life after all.. so..hearing that lives are lost in any way will probably put you on her bad side.. you probably should have told her you can eat moss first.. I bet I can smooth things over though *Reaper pauses for a minute as he stares at Wendy, he hesitates before slowly reaching over to pet her head, has it been that long since Wendy visited that he forgot his death touch can't harm her at all?*

I'm trying to make it back to SpookyTalez but I'm struggling to control my magic. *She looks embarrassed*

SpookyWeirdo’s Profile PhotoSalem
Spooky..Tale-z..? *Reaper tilts his skull slightly* I..never heard of that one..for a minute, I thought you were from one of those really messed up AU's like PolverTale ..you uh..don't wanna know about that one.. anyway, I could probably lend ya a hand getting back home..after all, Death is able to be anywhere, no? *he then summons his scythe and rests it over his shoulder--you know he might look scary..if he wasn't wearing bunny ears..I don't think anyone even noticed he was wearing those*

Oh yeah it gets bad if I don't eat enough moss or humans. But no one attacked you so I did my job! *She looks proud*

ToManyDamnIrkens’s Profile Photoฬєภ๔ץ Շђє ฬєภ๔เﻮ๏
Uh..it kinda defeats the whole point if ya can't protect yourself though kiddo..*Geno: -holds a mirror in front of his husbandos face XD then brings up a scrapbook of all the times Reaper got his bones served on a silver platter-* I bet Life probably has some moss, ain't that a plant of some kind? I could pay her a visit and bring some back for ya

I'm S-Salem.. *she looks nervous hopefully her name wasn't on his list*

SpookyWeirdo’s Profile PhotoSalem
Heh..and I thought my name was dark..I hope your not from the AU I'm thinking of..*Reaper then takes a few minutes to go over his list* annnd.. lucky for you, it doesn't seem like your on my list yet.. I don't see anyone with your name on there but that doesn't mean you won't be there eventually~ I guess you came face to face with Death early *he winks* so..now that's over with, where exactly were ya headed off to?

Oh I fell asleep! I was protecting you and Geno but then I got super hungry and went into hibernation. *Sticks out her tongue*

ToManyDamnIrkens’s Profile Photoฬєภ๔ץ Շђє ฬєภ๔เﻮ๏
*Reaper blushes a bit as he nervously rubs the back of his skull, he can't believe Wendy literally stayed in their closet that long just to protect them* You uh..didn't you tell me it's bad for Wendigos to go that long without eating something?

Language: English