
{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}

Huh..?*she grabs the letter opening it up to read it* ((that was funny lol))

FracturedSoul’s Profile PhotoRipley Dread
*When she looks at the letter, it reads* "So, your the one who made all that noise outside Deaths home, huh? Mind explaining who you are and what your doing here?"
*XD mission accomplished- made friend laugh*

Latest answers from {͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}

But I'm taller than you right now! Can I pet you? *she wags her tail excitedly*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
N-not for long! I'll be back to normal soon! I hope..uhh... what? *Reaper just blinks, he looks very confused to Neo wanting to pet him* You uh..realize I'm still.. Death..right?
*Oh God that made me think of the AU where while Reaper was stuck like this he actually got stolen and sold in a pet store as a pet birb and Geno had to free him out of the bird cage he was tossed into XD Geno would flip if that happened to him and Reaper rn, someone taking them and selling them as normal pets in a pet store- I think Geno can still use magic as a puppo tho so he might be able to break them free and terrorize everybody XD BREAKING NEWS: CUTE DOGGO IS DESTROYING THE PET STORE LITERALLY IT'S ON FIRE AND EVERYONE IS SCREAMING how the f-ck IS A DOG BLOWING UP BUILDINGS WITH BONES AND MAGIC LASERS!?*
But Im taller than you right now Can I pet you she wags her tail excitedly

Yeah, I'm your Geno, because anons gonna pull their bs

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
I could of made jokes about you being my puppy Love~ *Reaper winks* You look "paws-itively" adorable even like this~ I guess a dog got my tongue instead of a cat~

I should have known the anons would jump right onto bringing the idea to life.

ShiningVoid’s Profile PhotoȺҍվʂʂ
Waaaaiiit... are you saying that @DontcallmeSans is that puppy right now? Oops..uhhh.. sorry I thought I kidnapped a different version of you Love! *Reaper is so stupid it's scary-- but the anons are scarier XD*

So how long are you gonna be a shortstack?

I-I am not short!! *Death God starts rapidly waving his tiny arms in protest XD* It's just that..the whole world got bigger! Y-yeah! Um..but uh.. *he then stops and places a hand over where his Soul is* ..I'm ..not sure.. I'm only like this right now cause my magic is almost gone.. I gotta wait for it to come back.. just teleporting knocked me out for a while..

Reaper?*she looks over towards the bed spotting him* You're so small!! Aww!

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*Reaper looks embarrassed and blushes bright blue when he hears Neo going aww* U-uuhhh... I-I'm mot gonna stay this size ya know..! I'll be back to being taller than you soon! *xD someone has height issues like Edward Elric*

Where's Reaper? *she doesn't know he's small now she brought him food and coffee *

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*Death God notices he's even smaller than Neo now when she walks in asking where he is* ..Your kidding me.. I can't be smaller than a puppy and a plushie... *xD* this is embarrassing...

Wait you what now?

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Uhhh...are you my Geno or are you another Geno?? *Reapers hood makes a question mark shape* Um.. I-I swear! I didn't think I kidnapped the dog version of you yet! *xD* I only kidnapped your dog version once and he ran away from me!

. . . well now neither of us are that threatening

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*It takes the smol Death God a minute to register that Geno is now a puppo, after falling out of the doggos scarf, he just stares up at the Tsun with a confused look on his face* Uhh.. Geno..? I didn't think I kidnapped the dog version of you ..I kidnapped the chicken version of you but not the dog version

Language: English