
Herbert Henry Asquith

What's your favorite flower? Tree?

shehitsback’s Profile PhotoAllison
Bluebells, making this a good time of year :)
My favourite trees are birches as I live in a rustbelt city
And there are a lot of ex industrial sites, so while it's sad to think that people will no longer earn a living there (hence the unemployment and poverty in the city), it's a consolation of sorts to see nature recolonising the sites, and birches are always among the first, so they are the trees I see most in my walks along the canal etc.
Whats your favorite flower Tree

Latest answers from Herbert Henry Asquith

★ What phone do you have? / Quel est votre téléphone? ★

A mobile only. I would have had a landline but they’re almost never used other than by scammers ringing about ppi, the road accident I was in, and that kind of nonsense.

In your honest opinion: Is this site more enjoyable when you have anonymous questions turned on or off?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I have them turned off and find it better.
I will defend to the death the right to use pseudonyms, as I do. There are a million and one reasons to want and need not to be known. But there should be an account to go back to, even one that doesn’t give out your real identity.

Was social media a part of your childhood?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I was born in 1985, so no, and I can’t help being glad of that.
I got into it in my late teens but can’t think I gained much from this. I do find it quite useful now but I understand that it’s a tool rather than something I live by; that the sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath.

How would you describe your religious background?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I was raised Catholic but am now agnostic.
My upbringing has shaped my upbringing, such as in that I find free will much easier to believe than predestination. I don’t make a value judgment on that, just saying that it happened. In the way that some plants grow best on some soils and some on others, I’m just that plant and my early experiences are that soil.

Have you tried Malaysian food ? 🥘

Qatari999243’s Profile Photoآل ثاني
Yes, I have!
My brother lived in Singers for 9 years. I have been to Georgetown and Batu Ferringi.
I do like the Malay food, nasi goreng, nasi lemak, and I used to breakfast at a prata place that was owned by Malays in SG.
Also, things that I think are local to Penang, like nutmeg juice & ambra.

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