
Herbert Henry Asquith

When you travel, do you spend your whole day exploring attractions or do you take short breaks and return to the hotel ?

Qatari999243’s Profile Photoآل ثاني
I usually go on a walking tour of the city so I get the history and the feel of the place and do my exercise at the same time.
When I go to a place I always read books about that place.
Of course there is also the eating and drinking, but it’s mostly about absorbing where I am.
The last of these 🇲🇦

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When you travel, do you spend your whole day exploring attractions or do you take short breaks and return to the hotel ?

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I spend the day sightseeing and then I go back to the hotel and get ready for a night out! Mainly to sample the local cuisine... and wine, of course!
I don’t see the point of travelling and then staying at the hotel? What a waste of money, it’s great to go and see different cultures and learn about different countries ☺️

Language: English