
Grackles Know Your Real Name

"Work" Jack meets Penelope (vendor visit). Jack wants to maybe try a date. Does Jack write from his work email or personal email to meet for lunch? Jack has her business card. Jack is unsure of her relationship status since he had minimal time for casual chat.

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoI Wonder Where The Kitten Are
That can be weird because if you’ve only briefly chatted with someone you won’t know if they’re in a relationship (as you said) and you probably won’t know if they’re interested in you, either. A salesperson’s job is to be friendly and chatty, and a lot of people mistake that for flirtation.
Honestly, I think it would be best to see her in person a few more times to try to get a hold on the situation. Even then, give her a very easy way to back out without actually having to refuse because you don’t want to make her actual job difficult and uncomfortable. Something like, “I have drinks at Capote’s every Wednesday after work. Drinks are one me if you want to come by.” or whatever.
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GlindaBells’s Profile Photo

Latest answers from Grackles Know Your Real Name

Listen to Space Song by Beach House. You’re welcome.

TheDeathOfLiz’s Profile PhotoBean
“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”
This is what this song made me think of.

If someone says to you “stay in your lane”...what exactly *is* your lane?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoWhere Are The Kittens
It’s like saying, “shut up and sing/dribble.” You’ve said something that another person doesn’t want to contend with so they see this trite saying as some kind of trump card. You can safely be dismissed because you should have stayed in your lane or shut up and sang.
The dumb thing about it though is that they could have ignored you all along and been fine. You may have the right to voice your opinion, but no one has to listen to it. “Stay in your lane” is an announcement that you’re particularly touchy and defensive about an issue and don’t know much about it. Which, again, fine, but don’t boast about that for christ’s sake.

We should all chat sometime and catch up! I don't think anyone has chatted since you've been gone...I tried to set one up a while ago but I should have given more notice. Would you be interested?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoWhere Are The Kittens
WE SHOULD. It's been what... over three years since we all chatted? Something like that.

What is your biggest complaint about your current phone? Mine is the lack of a headphone jack!

AmericanLass’s Profile PhotoC.
The fact that it’s probably going to die in a few months. Like, seriously, I don’t need a new phone every two years. I really don’t need the newest iPhone or Galaxy or whatever. But I can already tell it’s starting to go kaput. The light sensor doesn’t always work. It doesn’t hold a charge as long as it used to. I’d keep a phone for three or four years if they wouldn’t break.

Dr. Sleep looks awesome! I am so excited about that one for sure! Did you by chance watch Mr. Mercedes? If so, what did you think?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoWhere Are The Kittens
No, but it looks good. I don’t have DirecTV but it looks like you can order the blu-ray on Amazon. Maybe I’ll do that. LOL, and of course they changed Holly from a frumpy woman in her 40s to a cute girl in her 20s. The portrayal seems spot on though. Holly also plays a pretty big part in The Outsider, if you haven’t read that yet.


Applepop’s Profile PhotoⲆⲣⲣⳑⲉⲣⲟⲣ
How was it?
It got kind of meh reviews, but I'll check it out on Prime or something.
What do you think about IT Chapter Two and Doctor Sleep from the trailers?

Hi Jesse! So glad you’re back! What has changed in your life since you’ve last been here? 😊

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoWhere Are The Kittens
Geez, when was the last time I was here? A year and a half ago or more?
I’m an uncle now, which is pretty cool. I can’t maintain long-term relationships, as usual, but that’s okay. The place I worked at forever was sold off to a national chain, but it worked out pretty well. My former boss gave me a nice parting bonus and my new job pays a lot more, is easier, and lets me work from home a lot.
I’ve been more and more reclusive lately. I eschewed social media a while ago, but I’m getting to that age where my friends, even my little sister, are getting married, having kids, but not me. And going out? I remember staying out until two or three in the morning and then partying some more back in the day. Friday I met some friends and when 10:30 rolled around, I was like, “It’s time for me to go home.” Christ, I really am getting old.
I’ve been getting more into outdoors stuff lately. I’m about to drive up to Rabun County for a hike up Blood Mountain. I love it. It’s one of my favorite views in all of Georgia.
Over the past few days, I randomly starting thinking about the GS gang. I didn’t login because I figured no one would be left. But, here some of y’all are.

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College Board (AP's, SAT's) recently put out a statement arguing that a strong measure of students' future success was knowing "two codes:" the US Constitution, and computer programming. How well did your school teach you law and programming? Should they have done better?

GSCAustin’s Profile PhotoCAustin
Very little to almost nothing on coding, and the standard American history course treatment on the Constitution. In other words, not a lot.
The “far-reaching” benefits of things like music and chess haven’t stood up to empirical scrutiny. While violin and chess are each culturally and intellectually significant things to learn, expertise means you’re good at chess and playing the violin. And not necessarily calculus, or writing, or reading, or even having common sense.
I don’t know anything about coding, but I have read the Constitution and Federalist Papers. If you’re interested in politics at all, they tend to be like a religious texts. You project your values onto the text rather than having the text inform your values.
A few examples. What is the first word of the First Amendment? Congress. Not state. A later, more enlightened Supreme Court saw the SNAFU here did rhetorical gymnastics to invent a new doctrine called “incorporation” to help solve the problem. How about the disaster of a sentence that is the Second Amendment? Do you have favor gun control? You’ll hone in on that first dependent clause. Against it? Skip to the third and interpret “people” individually and not collectively.
That said, I’m of the firm belief that history is something that must be learned and relearned every generation. The British historian David said that history is an, “antidote to temporal parochialism, which makes us think the only time is now, and geographical parochialism, which makes us think the only place is here.”
Having said all that though, does the American educational system require vast improvement insofar as basic history and probably the single most important professional skill in the 21st century? Oh yes.

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So, do you like Chick-fil-a's food? BQ: The San Antonio airport in Texas has banished the chain for their anti-gay behavior. https://www.foxnews.com/us/chick-fil-as-banishment-from-san-antonio-airport-prompts-investigation-by-texas-ag The Texas AG is going to battle. Does anyone care anymore?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
Oh, I definitely like their food. And as anecdotal as it may be, while the Cahty’s themselves are definitely homophobes, the individual restaurants I’ve visited have always been quite diverse and open as far as their staff goes.
But isn’t it usually conservatives that rail against big government and preach personal responsibility? In this case, the city of San Antonio didn’t want to award another contract to a corporation with the reputation of Chick-fil-A. Free market of ideas and all. Actions have consequences. This seems entirely reasonable to me.

How many of you can 100% honestly say that your opinion of someone you do like/get along with would NOT change if you found out they like/support things you strongly dislike/hate? I’m mostly referring to political views but interpret this however you please.

AmericanLass’s Profile PhotoC.
I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that my opinion very much WOULD change. The stakes are too high. If you have had asked me that question when we all first ventured on this forum, I would have told you that sure, just because disagree on a few things doesn’t mean we can’t hang out, be friends, have a few drinks with each other. Right now, we’re not talking about technical disagreements over things like tax and foreign policy. We’re talking about fundamental and irreconcilable differences about what this country should look like.
I work with people with whom I disagree, and we’re cordial, but we certainly aren’t laughing over our differences at happy hour. None of what I’m about to say is an exaggeration or mischaracterization: in this county, one side is perfectly fine with treating migrants like livestock and locking them in cages indefinitely. One side is okay with the separation of child from parent, not out of necessity, but precisely it is so cruel. One side is hell bent on forcing women who don’t want, can’t afford, and aren’t emotionally prepared for a child to carry to term, even if they were raped. One side actively attempts to restrict the right of the citizenry from participating in elections. One side gleefully guts regulations meant to product our air, food, and water.
So yeah. We’re not gonna be friends.
Oh, hey Apple!

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