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Why do I do bad things to scam people from their money?

Dave Thompson
scammers tend to be people that are looking for a quick and easy way to get money without putting the real effort in, a 'get rich fast' type of thing. they ignore the fact that they're hurting others because, to put it simply, greed takes a hold on them. sometimes they don't even mean to hurt others, but it happens as their scams continue.
for me, I'd personally rather work for what I've got, since in the end it makes me feel great to be able to look back on how much I've accomplished to get it he right way. can you do the same with the money you've stolen and the lives you've possibly destroyed in your process of getting money? some parents barely have enough money to feed their kids, let alone themselves. does it feel good knowing that the people you've scammed money from might not be able to pay their bills, afford school for their kids, or have enough left to eat after you scammed them? does i feel good knowing that these people hate you for what you've done? can you feel proud of your actions? that really doesn't feel good to me.
I totally get why you do what you do - I'm a jobless adult who doesn't have enough money to pay for college right now. I still live with my parents and they pay all of my bills for me. it would be taking the easy way out to scam people and to get enough money to go to college, but that doesn't sit well with me. I'd rather work to earn it myself so it feels like a real accomplishment that I can take pride in, because that's what makes it all worth it in the end, right?
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Why do I do bad things to scam people from their money?

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