
mars ✨

Have you ever slept walk before if so what happened when you wore sleep walking.

I think I might have done it once, but I'm not sure 0: I was very young and I can't remember it well. I only know what other people told me about it.
I guess I got up to use the restroom, but turned left into my brother's room instead of right. and I sort of,,,,,,,,,,,,peed on his bed or something sjfhdksjghkfjghsdfh.
I didn't know what sleepwalking was when I was a kid, so I always just said that I was half asleep and went into the wrong room on accident. but maybe I was actually asleep the whole time, and that's why I can't remember it,,,,,
thankfully nothing like that has happened again, at least that I'm aware of xD
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Have you ever slept walk before if so what happened when you wore sleep walking.

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I haven’t, but my friend did, a few times. She almost peed in her closet, she once started whacking a watermelon with a giant knife and saying her boyfriends name, and she once cut up a wig all over the floor and tied a bandaids around her arm and army crawled around. She was dreaming she was in a military fight...

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