

Ask @LauraEvans123

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Dont go giving hate to saaj cause this aint him. Since when did he go on your ask anyway?

Lol are u still goin on

You know I werent being mean, but he might have been a nice chap? Maybe hes changed? Maybe hes a multimillionaire?! So why not give him a chance? after all if you dont like him you could slap him round the face! Im sorry if I hurt your feelings.

Hi Saajan.

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Or she hahaa if its a girl I'll leave it to you... Yeah I'm really 6'2" and I go to the gym daily :P

Yes he's 6ft 2 and goes to the gym daily.
That's hinksy.

Ignore that prick who's trying to put you down! He or she is anon so don't let them bother you, and if that person is reading this then fuck off and bother someone else! I've got your back Laura, don't you worry you've got loads of friends here for you, it's Hinksy :P

Thank you Hinksy, it means a lot:*
Yeah mate ill get Hinksy on youuu!

No actually youre just being arrogant. You never know. Your daddy might have been a really nice fella.

Well I wouldn't classt a guy who leaves a 16 year old with a 4 week old baby as 'nice'
You don't have a actuall clue what its like to grow up without a dad so you wouldn't understand.
Just leave cos you're stressing me.

Describe your life then, hows it bad?

That fucking shut you up didn't it,
I don't need to argue with some anon who's lifes worse. I'm just saying you would not last a day being me,

Your very arrogant. My life is so much worse than yours, knowing that forced marriage isnt meant to be and seeing my father beat my mother. Its hard to see how we can get along and yet you complain your mum and daddy fell out and so he left. Maybe it was meant to be. Imagine seeing your mom beatenup

seen my mom beatenup many times.
if it was ment to be why is it so fucking hard?
you think your life is worse than mine?
you havent got a fucking clue

Seriously to whoever is saying all of that, if you need to get your anger out and hate on someone that should be me okay, leave her alone it wasn't her fault. You should respect her for being open about it and not give her hate!!

Im not sure who this is but im guessing its liv?
i fucking hate them omfg they have the cheek to tell me to be greatfull to that fucking man for leaving me and my mom.

Still life is precious, its a gift. Maybe with your attitude you dont deserve it.

you know what, maybe i fucking don't,
but the thing is you wouldn't last a day being me.
I actually cant fucking believe you, telling me i should be greatful to the man who left my mom 16 with a baby. his fucking daughter?
what kind of a man is that?
If this had happened to you You deffinatly would not be 'greatfull' for him bringing you into this world.

I dont want to be mean but if you havent met your daddy why judge on things you here from your mum or other people. He brought you into this world so you should be grateful because thats a gift.

right so when your dad has fucking walked out on you, you tell me how gratefull you are for him bringing you into this world.



what happened with your dad?

basically, this is the last time im explaining this.
my mom was 15 and she got invited to a house party, there was drink and everyone was there, she knew this boy there that was 18, and as the night went on they obviously both got drunk, and they well got me, when my mom found out she was pregnant she was given two options, she could either go back home or go to wales for a bit to stay with my uncle and his girlfriend, so she chose to go to wales. when she got back im not sure if they were actually together or just friends, but he was there for her throughout the whole pregnancy and he was at the hospital when i was born, and it all kind of went down hill from there, because at that time they were deffinatly not together, he would organise to see me with my mom but at the last miniute he would let us down saying 'he had some buisness to sort out' and one day my mom had just had enough, he was more interested in drugs than he was his own daughter, one day he just stopped making an effort and just stopped seing me,
when i was around 5 or 6, me and my mom was on the bus on the way to her friend Jakkies house, and he got on the same bus, my mom went up to talk to him and told him to stay away, and he said he would take her to court, she told him to carry on, just like the let down he is, he never followed through. After that i didnt hear of him for years.
when i was around 10/11 in my last year of primary, he got in contact with my mom again and asked to see me, so my mom sat me down and asked me if i wanted to see him, without mentioning that he got into contact with her, I didn't want anything to do with him as i thought if he cant be arsed to find me and try to see me, i dont want to know.
But to this day he has not bothered to try and get in touch with me that i know of.
Even if he did i dont think id have any kind of relationship with him,
its just horrible knowing that you could have walked past him on the street not knowing who he was,
he could be anyone, he could be reading this right now, i have no clue.
I dont hate him, but I dont love him, hes just another person to me, a random man walking past me on the street, I have no intention of finding out who he is as i have lasted a good 15 years without him and im sure i can last another 15 years.
but what really annoys me is the fact that people 'feel sorry for me' because I dont have a dad,and they act different around me because they know i dont have a dad, or they complain about their dads and they stop themselves, i just hate it, I don't know any different.
but if you have a dad that loves and cares for you, or is even there and you see him, dont take that for granted,
so you know what.
Happy Fucking Fathers Day to a fucking twat of a Dad. Have a good one.

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Liked by: Dan Hinks

We are getting the train tomorrow and leaving, lea village half 12 tomorrow okay cool

I haven't even asked yet hahahhaa


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