

Ask @LauraEvans123

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Opinion on slef harmers?

Okay, self harmers, they shouldn't be branded in that 'catogory' they are some of the strongest people ever. They shouldn't have to feel alone. They should all have someone to turn to,
I'm not saying who, but someone who I used to close with sent me a picture of a girl that we knew and she had scars on her neck, legs+all up her arms, my friend turned around and went how ugly. I had some massive go at her. Those scare that they have are beautifull, they will show that they've had a rough time but they got through it.
I HATE how they get called pathetic and weak. When infact they are stronger than most of us.
People who self harm are the exact same as us, but they have just been through a lot more.
Cutting is their way of dealling with things.
A lot of people who have cut have told me 'I regret that first cut' because it becomes addictive, when something goes wrong, they think its their only way out, their only way to fix things, but cutting gets addictive and they can't do anything about it.
The 'self harmers' that feel like they have noone, some take their own lives,
Some don't,
But always make sure that they know you are there for them,
If you ever need to talk, add me on bbm, or just ask me a question and ill give you a number,
Noone sould have to feel like this ever.
Just remember its NOT your fult, and you ARE loved, and you CAN stop, just take it one step at a time,
If you ever feel like cutting, just put some calm music on, sit on your bed and breath in+outin and out, and count to 20, when you have calmed down, think about what you are doing, and how its not just hurting you, its hurting the people around you,
Just remember you are not alone:*

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I have a secret identity cus I was abused as a duty pupil he used me 4 his own pleasures I tried 2 call childline but they blocked my numba

Oh ok, I will not tell anyone, I promise;)

His new wigs made of my pubes after he raped me tuckin my shirt in the micheal ran a mile and left me 2 drown in his fuckin spit

Omfg whoever this Is pop up please! Your killing me!:'(=D

what annoys you?

boys who have like perfect eyebrows, and deny they pluck them, or get them done, when they obviously do .
just admit it.
grow a pair.
fuck sake.

PLZ I BEG OF YOU STOP RE-ANSWERING THE ANSWERS ITS FUCKING ANNOYING!! (That's what 9 Year old girls do.. you remind me of a 9 year old!!)

if you didnt have an account, you wouldnt know that i re-answered the anwers+i did it once ok. so pop up and we'll sort this out on chat? or yanoe you can just be pussy+hide behind anon your call..


right, your think your so big, saying all of that on ask.fm on ANON.
but when i tell you to pop up, you shit yourself and dont answer me?
yeah if you have guts pop up
but if not fuck of cause theres no point in even starting this.

can i milk your titties, and when i do you moo for me like a cow

yeah sure!
be at mine in 5..
fuck of of course not

Ok....Maybe she didn't make an Ugly Vagina... But she did make an Ugly Daughter!!

exactly. urm ill tell her that, thankyou, come off anon next time tho yeah?

Man you are stupid! There was nothing about your moms Ugly Vagina in that sentence, Go back to the first Grade bitch.

one: im biritish, so i aint got a fucking clue what 'first grade' is, well what age group,
two:a cunt is a vagina, so bitch YOU go back to 'first grade'
and you said that my mom made an ugly vagina, im sure my mom didnt wake up one day and go lets make a ugly vagina.
so yeah


Language: English