

Ask @LauraEvans123

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if u could get off with a boy in your school, who would it be and whyyy??

well there is quite a few;)+cause they are fucking hooot

how did you first talk to 'joe'?

ok right. i was at my moms so i could basically do what i wanted, i was on my laptop+he poped up in my ask, and i thought 'hellooo hottie' and clickeed on his page+he was getting hate, so i said summat like 'fuck of hating on him, hes gorgeous' or summmat like that.. then about 2 hours later, i got a question of him asking me if i was still awake, that was is, we stayed up till 6 in the morning talking to eatchother, and then went to sleep for the next day:P as soon as we woke up we was talking again:p and we was talking till about 4 in the morning, and we have been mates ever since, i honestly love him so much, no matter what hes done, ill always be here for him!<3
Liked by: Ashleigh x

you do know that joe is a fake account?

fuck off ok. 'joe' may be a fake account but the guy i was talking to is reall+that boy is loving kind+tbh i couldnt ask for a better friend. hes always been here for me+ after 1 day of talking to him i felt like id known him all my life! we knew loads about each other! hes always here for me+ ALWAYS makes me happy, idk what it is about him but i just wanna go to Brighton+hug him+never ever let go, cause at the end of the day, that boy behind the fake name+pictutre was there for me+thats not about to change anytime soon! i love him lots+lots and he knows i do! and now he is here admitting he has done wrong+is trying to put things right. yes ok he lied, but hasnt everyone at some point in there life? i mean noone is perfect. i sure as hell aint! and i dont deserve such an amazing friend like him!and at the moment, hes sitting there dreading to go to school on Monday, cause he thinks people are going to jump him, hes been getting death threats+saying that they are going to batter him+ he dont deserve it. he doesnt deserve none of this. and i cant fucking believe somone would sit there+ tell someone that they are going to kill them. i could never ask for a better friend, and the people who forgive him are obviously his reall friends, he is amazing. he could have just deleted his account and pretend that none of this ever happened, but he didnt, hes stayed on here trying to make things right, i respect that so much! yanoe what fuck what you think but i love him+im always gonna be here for him no matter what+he knows that!<3

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