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Hate on this fat bitch she cuts; http://ask.fm/ShaunaMartin2239

Dakota Leigh Madison
You've picked the wrong person to send this to,
ive known shauna for about 10 years.
And one Of my closest mates cuts. those people who do unfortunatly self harm, are way stronger than the people who dont, do not even say shes fat,cause ive seen her and shes not.
telling her to go drink bleach to? thats just pathetic coming from someone who doesnt even have a fucking picture? you're obviously SO self concous of the way you look that you have to drag other people down to feel better about yourself.
how about you grow up and then come back to me.
because shauna isnt fat, and so what if she cuts?
it doesnt change who she is does it?
yanoe go fuck yourself, cause i cant be arsed with pricks like you.

If you would be a boy for a day, what would you do?

id try to see why boys treat girls like shit+what they think after

R u homophobic?

No, tbf, if you wanna be gay, be gay, if you wanna be straight, be straight, if you wanna be bi, be bi, its who you are+i like people for their PERSONALITY not their SEXUALITY.


Language: English