

Ask @LauraEvans123

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Im guessing your always annoyed...

Not really haha
I'm hardley annoyed
I just don't give a shit anymore
I just ignore it haha

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Apart from that, what else annoys you?

-People who lie straight to your face, like not little lies that don't mean anything
But actually big lies, when you know the truth and you're standing there like oh okay then,
-people who don't talk to you for like a week, and then pop up and expect everything to be okay
-doing something you don't want to do,
-when peoples hoods are inside out
-when my phone freezes
-when I have no internet connection
-when I have no signal
-slow replyers
-having feelings for someone and knowing if you tell them it will wreck everything
-when I don't have music on
-when I can't download a song
-when I have no skittles
-when I get skrewed at for something I didn't do
-when people stare at you for no reason
-the bus
Lots more but effort to write it
-rant over-

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Whatever you do, don't do anything you will regret with him hehe, unless you can trust him:-)

I'd trust him with my life,
And I won't haha

Do you reckon you will ever tell him how you feel?

I might one day,
If he tells me he likes me, ill tell him haha

Im sorry but if I tel you it might wreck your friendship.

Loool, I doubt we're even close, I don't really talk to any boys in my year anymore

Life has its challenges lets just say that hehehe :-) And anyway, I know that someone loves you, he loves you deeply, and once you get to know him, I guess youll love him too.

Who loves me deepley? Pop up please?

I see you as a friend, a good friend though it may not seem like it. May I ask who this person is? Is he a good friend of yours? You never know whether he likes you back, as you never know if he'll go out with you unless you ask! If it turns out he dont love you you could always still be friends.

You may ask but I'm not going to post it on here, and like we are close but we hardley talk in school and that hahaha, but like, his friends say they think he does but I just don't know, and yeah its easy to say that we could still be friends, but it would be hard

Well surely he loves you back, whats not to like? He may be in the year above but age surely dont matter just your personality and luckily you look quite pretty, so he must like you back. And your personality is really nice too as your kind and friendly, not judgemental and genunally lovable :-)

This has made my day, thankyou haha
But the thing is, I think he just sees me as a friend,
If I do tell him, it will wreck it

What annoys you?

The fact that I like a boy who would never ever go for me and if I told him it would ruin everything
Or the fact that I think I'm falling for a guy who lives miles away and has a girlfriend?
Or the fact that my heads messed up trying to choose between them?


Language: English