

Ask @LauraEvans123

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Perfect guy?

omfg. okay there is no such thing as 'the perfect guy'
but there is such a thing as loving someone soo much that you love their flaws and it makes them even more perfect.
but the guy for me would always be here for me, wouldnt get obsessive with me, wouldn't wanna controll where i am or who i see. someone who accepts me for who i am and doesnt wanna change anything about me, when i can think of a million things that id wanna change.
he wouldnt try and make me choose between him+my two best friends(ben and tom).
his would have to have a good personality.
looks are a bonus.
ngl he would have hair like www.ask.fm/lewisamphlett
^^^its fuking perfect. if he cuts it i swear i will kill him;)
yeah once someone said to me 'girls imagine a perfect relationship, and have a completely unrealistic expectations, so you cry when you believe the 'perfect relationship' is over'
i dont want a perfect boy, i want a boy who gets sad when things are hard, i want a boy who isnt afraid to cry infront of me cause its 'gay', a boy who laughs+is himself around me, i want someone to argue with and then realise how stupid this is+make up again. i want a boy who i can i act stupid with, playfight with.
i dont want a 'perfect guy' i want a guy who is no where near perfect, cause im no where near perfect.

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last thing that pissed you off?

Some really pretty girl liked the boy I likes answer+im just here like.
Fuck of
You look like a man

Are you bi? Are you lesbo? Are you Straight? Are you single? Are you married? Are you gay? Are you offended? Are you Jewish?

Noim not bi
No I'm not lesbo, my mate said earlier 'there's no chance of laura being a lesbian, she loves boys to much'omfg I cried.
Yes I'm straight
Yes I'm single
No I'm not married
No I'm not gay
No I'm not offended
No I'm not jewish
Fanks for that

What's a thigh gap?

the gap between you eyes

a GAP between your THIGHS

how can someone be this stupid.

That'd be me saying to them, there mum so i guess that makes them my unofficial auntie. Not married so not really related x

yeah your still related x

I know, apparently working is more important than popping in on a mate to say 'happy birthday' or even sending a card :( x


might as well come, 325 days to go, please don't be late! renting out a warehouse somewhere, tell everyone to bring water and i'll turn it into wine! x

come off anon please omfg
your so funny x

i'm sorry, been busy celebrating my birthday, you know, the same day as christmas. yolo, better late than never x

yanoe yolo and all that, tbf it is, am i invited to the party?x


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