

Oh damn I'm sorry to hear that mate but I'm positive that you'll find a better one ?

ianbushell355’s Profile PhotoIan
It's cool I got experience and despite being silently shuffled out and a few issues I met some really nice people and I proved to myself that there's things I am capable of which I entirely doubted in myself! So I'm pretty proud and chuffed with my own experience! ??
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Latest answers from Laura

Do you use a low class people Android phone or a classy rich people phone (iphone)?

Android is miles better than Apple 😂
Imagine basing "class" on phones 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣🤣
If I'm being honest that's quite sad you think like that. 🌸

Have you seen a member of the opposite gender n*led this year?

What kind of a question is this? No and I don't actively go searching either 👀👀

Can you share a hot photo of your belly button piercing? 😵‍ 😱 🌶

Shows how much you know about me 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣🤣

Do you question everything or accept things as it is ?

I have a curious mind, I tend to question things and unfortunately sometimes more than I should or want. 🤦🏼‍♀️🌸

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel bothered by people who don't use correct punctuation and spelling? If you're so ignorant and dim-witted, perhaps you should consider returning to school.

No need to be rude, if it bothers you then it bothers you maybe you need some therapy to sort those emotions and condescending attitude... 🤷🏼‍♀️✌️
Is it just me or does anyone else feel bothered by people who dont use correct

Have you ever slept with a guy that one of your friends has also slept with

I haven't that I'm aware of, but someone close to me has had intimate relations with someone that I once thought I had a connection with (after my connection with the guy). 🌸

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