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Latest answers from Laura

Some people don't respect your boundaries, no matter how much you state them. Because they don't see you as a human being worth of respect.

I feel like this is a lecture for me 😅😅

When you need support or someone to vent to, who do you go to?

No one, I count on myself but what happens when I can't handle myself anymore who saves that? 🤔🌸

Honesty isn’t always pretty. Are you afraid of someone telling you the truth or do you desire it?

Honesty is pretty? If you didn't lie there would be no need to confess or own up. ✌️
On another note I find this really amusing how relevant this is and I might just share it with a few people who should really take that on board! ✌️🌸

Atm I'm at the point where I've pushed and pushed a furthest I can go, I can't go no further. I need a break have you ever felt that way?

This might be the mindset I'm in right now 🌸

Language: English