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Ask @LaurenSmyers

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Why not tomorrow with everyone else?

Because I'm doing a gym performance and it's the same time as the auditions and I can't miss the performance hahah

Are you auditioning tomorrow?

I'm auditioning but not tomorrow, well my singing audition is tomorrow but I'm doing the acting audition on Thursday :-)

Okay, be complicated;) description of perfect boy? x

Erm, good looking, is loyal, won't lie to me, trusts me, protects me against things, will make me happy, will do cute things you know all hat stuff haha x

Perfect relationship? x

Sweet cuddles, warm each other up when it's cold, care for each other, when he makes me feel beautiful, he'll cheer me up, he knows when to stay away, will let me do balances on him...both trust each other, can have loads of laughs but can be serious, will go out whatever weather to see each other, loves each other and will stay loyal, can have little tickling wars and play cute games together, can be weird and be yourself - basically so nothing is fake and it is a true relationship where there's trust and NO LIES x

I would use the word perfect but nothing is perfect, but you're perfect to me:/

Nobody's perfect though x

Yes you are, don't lie, we'll, your far better than amazing, I just can't think of the word:/

Cos there is no word

Opinions on top 3 friends thing haha

Oh okay
- she's bestest person ever, she's always here for me and I'm always there for her, idek how she copes with me, I'll just do random stuff and shell laugh and not be weird about it hahah, she is amazing, she's hilarious never fails to make me laugh, best thing is we can just be so weird together and we don't even care about other people haha we can have the most awkwardest topic type conversations and it won't even be awkward or anything, we have loads of memories and hopefully loads more to come, and ive never fallen out with her or anythingaw I love her, she's actually the perfect bestest friend ever!!!
-she's cool, always up for a laugh, we always end up helping each other out and that.. We've been through loads and currently going through something TOGETHER, always here for her, she's funny and pretty amazing, we used to have like a pointless story a day type thing going on, oh man good times ahaha. Love her x
- trust him with anything he's amazing, haven't known him for that long tbh but he is just amazing, he makes me laugh, I don't think that he knows he can cheer me up instantly ahah, he's funny, an amazing lad and deserves everything...he is so awesome and has been through loads of stuff that he doesn't even deserve! I'm always here for him aw, he's really sweet ahah, he's just so awesome! X

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Liked by: Jonathan Wilde

Make a dance routine or watch movies with a lad and a lass (requires 2 answers)

I don't get what you mean ahaha....it'll be one of them moments where it's like a really obvious question but yeah I don't get what you mean haha

Depends who? (the romantic meal or movies thing) ok... Danny, Jayden, Jonathan and josh (without kissing part) aha

Erm...this is weird..ha, erm I'd watch movies with all of them but without the cuddling and relationship stuff, just as friends ahah


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