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Ask @LaurenSmyers

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Opinions on Jayden?

I'll be here forever man, I'll say a few things erm, I think he's so brave for what he did today! He's amazing, he's so lovely, his eyes are gorgeous,he's good looking he's really funny, always up for a laugh! He's warm.. That sounds really weird, haha, everything is his fault, erm, had a few memories already and hopefully more to come :-) ill leave it there for now;)

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Best friend(s) x

Ermmm....I'm probs not there best friend but hey they're mine aha.. - Jayden, Jonathan, Abbie...ermm.. Them moments when you forget everyone :/ x
Liked by: Jonathan Wilde

Describe a perfect relationship? x

Where you can act like best friends, erm that there's ALWAYS honesty, trust and loyalty there. That they can cheer you up when your down, they know what to do when something's wrong, you can tell them anything, nothing is awkward, play fights, sit and cuddle all day, OMG someone who would sing and perform with me erm, when they support each other no matter what, they believe in each other...I can go on forever x
Liked by: Jonathan Wilde

Dream holiday?

Go back to Florida to see some of my family then go to Chicago to see my friend and then New York (broadway) then Hollywood erm...yeah
Liked by: Jonathan Wilde

Fav actor &actress? x

Erm..well for films - Robert Downey jnr. Jennifer Lawrence Robert pattinson..ermm there's like loads but I've forgot
Erm but in theatre there's LOADS, pretty much all the main casts ahah x


Language: English