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Ask @LaurenSmyers

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Do you like batman?

There's only one ive watched where I can remember what happens ahah, but yeah it's pretty good

Which celebrity would you like to spend a day with?

Either, sierra boggess ramin karimloo or Hadley fraser...they're just amazing :-)

i would like to talk to you more if that's ok with you. however i have to revise for 1 hour. so can we talk in an hours time :)

Sure and okay have fun revising haha

well i find it fun too. honestly you seem like a really genuine young lady who's really nice

Aww thankyou :)

ohh if i am annoying you with my questions please just let me know

Your not at all :-) I don't get many questions so it's quite fun :-)

ohh i see. so you get fed up of being told that. i understand where your coming from :)

Nooo, I just don't know whether to take it as a compliment haha

sorry if i offended you, i just meant that you look really pretty (sorry)

It wasn't offensive aha, I get told it all time but thankyou :-)

never how can you be 14 i thought you would be 16 possible 15. you look so mature

I could be really sarcastic now but I won't...thanks I think?

ahh judging by your picture you smile is rather attractive. if you don't mind me asking how old are you

Oh, thanks haha and I'm 14


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