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Ask @LaurenSmyers

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Opinions on top 3 friends?

They're amazing and perfect and don't want them to change...:-) I'm guessing you want me to like do a full on paragraph and name them or something? Hahah

Romantic meal then kiss in rain or cuddle and movies?;)

Depends who, but I think cuddle and movies is cuter

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Do you want a relationship?

Not at the moment, but you can't really help it if you fall in love with someone but no ahah

Phantom or Les Mis? Book or tv? Opinion on Jayden? Orange or Green? Top 3 friends? Fav comedian? Music or drama?

-depends what it is
-he's funny, can be stupid at times, good looking, sweet, he's amazing :-)
- green but not dark green
-Abbie, Eleanor, Jonathan
-Michael McIntyre

Opinions on Emily Davis if you know her?

She's nice, pretty, she's not allowed anywhere;) I used to be quite close with her like ages ago but not as close now, but yeah shes nice:-)

the first person who likes this answer, you ask him/her TWO qestions and like some of the answers, okay?? BTW i like your picture :)

Okay :-) and I don't but thank you :-)
Liked by: ↻ Mateja ♥

If any 3 things could happen tomorrow what would you want them to be? xxxx

A cure for MS
My sore throat to go, cos I've had it for like months now
And to spend forever with the people I love xxxxx
Liked by: Jonathan Wilde


Language: English