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Ask @LaurenSmyers

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Today I stood up on the pedals of my bike and my feet slipped and then goodbye balls

Hahahahahahahahah, how nice! I suppose ouch!

ahh stop being so polite, (even though being polite it a really good thing ) i still think you ace :)

Haha, thankyou! Put a smile on my face this! :D

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wow because you look really good at it judging by your back drop pic

I'm not good at it but thanks haha :-)

What did you last take photo of?

A picture of me and Marcus Lovett with a hand made mask that i attached with it that someone made me...thought it was cute tbh

If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?

Fried rice with ketchup or just fruit and salads and stuff :)

What makes someone attractive?

When they DON'T act like a complete idiot...erm so when they're nice, good personality, honest all that :)
Liked by: Katie

Do you feel older or younger than your real age?

Depends what situation I am in and how I feel, I can act a lot more maturer but then act quite childish :D

How have your life experiences changed you?

There's loads! Erm never to judge someone straight away, believe in yourself, ermmm yeah loads more

Ok so let's clear this up pet so basically when I sign forms etc do I take off my shoes and socks or Is it just shoes before I train xox

Shoes and socks when you train xox

Hmm I'd prefer to wear trainers inside the gym or will I be told to change xox

You won't be aloud to wear them while your training, but there's mats down anyway so it's not like your on the floor xox

Will doo :) ok see before u walk in what do u do as in u nw not me xox

Okay and depends if something is before but you'll see before xox

Ah so I can walk in with them but before training what should I do xox

Take them off haha, talk to the coaches they'll let you know everything to do and stuff xox

No not clothes jst footwear could I not wear them going inside xox

You can go in with them just not train in them xox


Language: English