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Ask @LaurenSmyers

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Describe love? x

Here goes -.- -for me, it's when you wanna be with them 24/7, when you hear there name you automatically put yourself in that conversation, your protective over them, you never want to lose them, every time you see them you want them to notice you, you get a funny feeling when your with them, nothing is awkward, you feel like your heart is in your mouth, you can't stand hearing a bad thing about them...I could go on x
Liked by: Jonathan Wilde

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What’s the first thing you did when you woke up today?

Checked my twitter, then ran to my mum and screamed :') hahaha

Closest friend? Funniest friend? Smartest friend? Most trustworthy friend? Most awesome friend? x

Laura/Abbie, kelsey/Eleanor/Abbie, josh, Jonathan, abbie/Jonathan -I've still forgotten everyone...I'm missing someone out -.- x
Liked by: Jonathan Wilde

Okay, Jayden, Jonathan, Eleanor, Laura? x

Jayden - L-10 p-10 c-10 h-yeah k-yeah m- obviously
Jonathan - L-9 p-10 c- 9.5 ish aha h-yeah k- no m- no
Eleanor - L-10 p-10 c-9.5 h-yeah k-no m- no
Laura- L-10 P-10 C-10 h-yeah k-no m- no
Obviously wouldn't wanna kiss or meet anyone else though? Think mannn!

If you could be a hollywood actress, work in theatre or become a singer which one would it be? x

Work in theatre as in perform? Cos that'll be like singing maybe in there as well, but probably work in theatre then Hollywood actress following closely behind x
Liked by: Jonathan Wilde

Paragraph on them three most trustworthy people?x

Jayden - he's amazing, always makes me laugh aha, cheered me up other day like pretty much straight away and no ones ever done that before so that just makes him even better, he's always smiling, gets along with everybody (or seems to) he's special but that's his fault..x
My mum - I love her to bits, she's so strong and I have so much respect for her, she's my phan buddy, she's my best friend, I can tell her anything, we have our arguements but always work it out in end, she's amazing and I love her! X
Jonathan - he's awesome, can trust him with anything, seems good with awkward situations or so he says, aw, he's lovely x
Liked by: Jonathan Wilde

If you won £1 million what would you spend it on? x

Well first I'd buy a new house, erm give loads to charity then pay for a holiday to Toronto and go with my mum and whoever else aha, then probably pay for another holiday to Florida and London, then idk...x

Like what or dont you want to say? x

Rather not say, but mostly when am talking bout it i admit things along the way which makes it harder..it's hard to explain this as well -.- x


Language: English