
Linda Lv

Ask @LindaLvs

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Lin aku 90 kg kok kliatan kurus?

god must loved you so much that even with 90kg km msi kliatan krus. impressed.

lin pap senyum dong,hehe..cause there's nothing as beautiful as the smile you have in your face,even rose's are nothing compared wtih yours :)

wah too much. but thankyou. ni with my bro sklian

So take your time to heal it and you will find someone that can make you happy

yess. being happy and loved is the point

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kok heal? berarti msh galauin mantan atau cowo yg prnah deket ya?

galah. jst i dont trust easily and save it for the right one aja

Ci linda tadi yg pake baju biru yah?

sorry late rep. ni ques 3days ago, ak jg lupa ak pake bju wrna apa. ktmu dmn?

linn ble nanya kmu pke eye cream apaa? then mnurut kmu eyecream apa yg recommnded??? tq before

ga pake eyecream nih

lin klo km pny pcr tp ortu ny pcr mu ga setuju gmn ? 😂

aku bisa aja back off sih 😁 kcuali i know the reason, if it is still possible to have a chance then i will fight for it. tpi kalo ud soal agama dan tradisi, i back off deh hahaha
Liked by: Sania Chia

Ak sudah tidak kuat lg menghadapi ini semua :( rasa nyaa yg nama nya hidup itu pasti susah,banyak cobaan nyaa

ubah mindset dong, jgn desperate gt:) we are all the same

lin misalnya nih ya ad 1 cwo baik bgt sm km , trs sll ad utk km , but nw dia skrg lg down bgt sm keuangannya . trs wht should i do ? ttp sm dia atau gmn ? thnks before lin

encourage him instead of leaving


Language: English