
Linda Lv

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tanggal berapa ? semuaa jurusan di SIM atau only jurusan u ? hehe

7 aug last exam. jurusan aku aj sih kayakny.

dgr2 sg susah ci :(( jdi bgg pilih mana. soalny papa blg mnding sg aja gtu

hmm, smua pilihan kembali ke kmu sih sbnrnya.
when u get a chance to study abroad,jst enjoy it and dont regret any,jgn tkt ini itu, bygin aj smua org yg mau kulia psti alamin pmkiran kaya kmu, same goes to me. tpi ya mkir aj, u r not alone, d uni psti bakal ad tmn, mrk smua jg mau brtmn pstiny. starts to be friendly and sincere in making friend. and live it up sincerely with the environment as well. eventually, u will enjoy. nobody says its going to be easy, but trust me singapore is not so bad. if u r insecure with it, then u can find ways to secure urself with its surrounding. uni life is hard but u gotta enjoy cause its also once in a lifetime 😉
Liked by: Karitika Dewi Linda

ci vr cara nyatok rmbut ala cici dong :(( bgus nget

i dont really spare time to it, cause im so bad at making vr :(. but soon hopefully ya.

kalo milih singapore jadi negara buat kuliah bagus?

ya trgntung personal2. soalny some of my friend jg ga suka hidup d sg. high living cost, so rushy, serba jalan kaki ngantri, and difficulty in academy. but for me, aslong as u r sincere and responsible in every decision u've made to abroad, psti kulia dmn aj bagus dan enak. Depend on how we cope along with its situation and mindset aja sih.
Liked by: Karitika Dewi

nyesel ga milih sim ?

ga sih. i dont regret with what i've choosen since sblm msuk im well prepared.

tomorrow ada college ? hahaha goodluck yaaaa for your studiii :)

ada,managerial acc 😧 thankyou.

kemarin jago muay thai nya ! hahaha lagi dongg , vr di askfm tonjoktonjokin bantal :p hehe.

haha konyol ga sih tonjok bantal

Ce rmbutnya perawatan ya ? Trus sering di catok apa gk rusak rmbut ?

shampoo and condi only. skg rontok parah, and idk what to do with it :(


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